Daily Trust

David Mark vs. Samuel Ortom


Ihave read the terse and obviously hurriedly written statement by David Mark’s spokesman who happens to be my age old personal friend Paul Mumeh.

In the statement David Mark regurgitat­es the sorry statements he made as a guest of Governor Nyesome Wike in Port Harcourt. The former Senate President disparaged his state governor in unprintabl­e words probably as a show of gratitude for the lavish reception he was accorded.

Paul Mumeh’s statement in which he reeled out David Mark’s accomplish­ments to prove his superiorit­y over Govenor Samuel Ortom is a sad testimony to the erosion of values which has elevated the wrong people and imposed filthy role models on us. He talks about David Mark being a Governor in his early 30s. He didn’t tell us which election he won to achieve that.

I remember as a student in the University in 1988 when David Mark dismissed our anti-SAP demonstrat­ion caused by increase in fuel prices with the derisory words “students don’t own cars”. He should have remembered that students don’t own cars but they pay transport fares. A person who has times without number shown such disdain for the downtrodde­n cannot be their spokesman overnight.

I hear Paul Mumeh refer to him as a “Statesman”, but a statesman as opposed to an ordinary politician should be more circumspec­t and he evaluates all informatio­n given to him dispassion­ately before offering his wise counsel to the person concerned. If David Mark who is a Benue indigene feels strongly about a so called wheelbarro­w project, Government House Port Harcourt isn’t Governor Ortom’s known address. His statement was meant to achieve one purpose - mischief.

David Mark’s acclaimed successes in life have only feathered his own nest and have not reflected on his immediate environmen­t. He was Senate President for eight years but the Makurdi-Oturkpo Federal Highway remains a death trap where scores of his constituen­ts have perished due to its neglect in successive budgets. The road which is a vital link between the South East and the North especially for movement of goods is virtually deserted. Traders who should ply that route now go through KOGI state.

Governor Ortom never purchased wheel barrows for distributi­on to anybody. The carts were donated to the Benue State Emergency Management Agency as part of relief materials for displaced persons due to communal clashes. It is true that an overzealou­s official put up Ortom’s inscriptio­ns on them hence the current hoopla.

Kenneth Gyado, Abuja.

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