Daily Trust

Omoluwa extols golf icon Shagaya

- By Tony Akhigbe

One of the greatest golf icons in the country, Sir Lucky Omoluwa, has extolled the qualities of another golf legend Senator [General] John Nanzip Shagaya, as he celebrate the latter on his 75th birthday.

Omoluwa is a member of the Board of Trustees of the IBB Golf Club and the Kaduna Golf Club. He equally sits atop the Pinnacle Communicat­ions, the company that is pioneering the Digital Switch Over in Nigeria.

“I have known Senator Shagaya for exactly 40 years”, Omoluwa stated. “No doubt, he is the leading father of golf in Nigeria. He is highly respected by golfers across Nigeria. He is upright and he will go any length to ensure the truth is upheld. I believe we share similar traits for the truth. This, I believe, could be reason he facilitate­d my move into the Board of Trustees of the IBB Golf Club where he is equally a member.

“I watched at close range when in those years, the General was working round the clock just to ensure that then Military President, General Ibrahim Babangida committed himself into agreeing to build the IBB Golf Club we are all proud of today. Considerin­g the over 7000 members in that Club today, it is absolutely clear the General must not have toiled in vain. He just wanted a golf course for Abuja and he got it.

“Go around the IBB Club today, and you will see how well respected members adore him. He is a sort of rallying point among members. Always cordial in his approach to everything, but I can tell you he will never condone any form of lawlessnes­s and indiscipli­ne. General Shagaya is a living legend and I believe his birthday is big enough to attract a valuable tourney as means of celebratio­n”.

Senator Shagaya, on his own, went down memory lane to recall how he was able to convince Sir Lucky Omoluwa to be part of the IBB Golf Club Board of Trustees.

Hear Shagaya: “We arrived at that point where we decided to blend the Trustees membership with some young people. Omoluwa readily came to my mind. He is truthful and just. He is equally well respected by members of the IBB Club and many other Clubs in Nigeria. As things would play out, I, on one night, was on the same plane with him on our way to the United States. I quickly seized that opportunit­y to inform him that we would want him to be on the Club’s Board of Trustees and that he should think about it. After a while he said it was a good idea and he joined. I believe he is doing great at the Board”.

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