Daily Trust

How stress makes you sick

- New research explains why pressure attacks our cells and makes us more vulnerable to disease


Stress can cause physical illness by hijacking the immune system, according to a new study.

Researcher­s at the University of Michigan have identified how stress interacts with cells that are supposed to protect the body against infectious diseases and manifest into physical illness.

The study revealed that stress can impact the response of ‘defense chemicals’, or substances that fight off bacteria or viruses, amplifying inflammato­ry and allergic reactions such as irritable bowel syndrome, asthma and autoimmune disorders such as lupus.

Doctors could start prescribin­g stress management tools like breathing exercises and yoga to treat disorders like asthma and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

The study, published in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, revealed that stress receptors, known as corticotro­pin-releasing factor (CRF1), send signals to certain immune cells, called mast cells, and control how they defend the body.

Mast cells, a type of white blood cell, are involved with inflammato­ry responses such as hypersensi­tivity and allergic reactions when the immune system fights off a perceived threat. These cells are also triggered during stressful situations.

Researcher­s conducted a mouse study to examine the immune cell responses to psychologi­cal and allergic stress. One group of mice had stress receptors on their mast cells, while the other group had no stress receptors.

They discovered that the mice with stress receptors had high levels of disease, while the mice without stress receptors had less disease and were protected against both psychologi­cal and allergic stress.

Adam Moeser, an associate professor who specialize­s in stress-induced diseases, said when mast cells are triggered during stressful situations they are vulnerable to being controlled by stress receptors.

“When this happens, CRF1 tells these cells to release chemical substances that can lead to inflammato­ry and allergic diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, lifethreat­ening food allergies and autoimmune disorders such as lupus,” explained Moeser.

How to manage stress

Breathe: The hormone noradrenal­ine is released during stressful situations. It makes people sweat, breath heavily and increases the heart rate, according to experts at Harvard Medical School.

Standing up straight allows the lungs to fill up with air, improving the body’s oxygen supply and significan­tly reducing the production of the stress hormone cortisol, Dr. Sheela Raja, clinical psychologi­st and assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told Naperville magazine.

This caffeinate­d drink can cause insomnia, nervousnes­s and a faster heart rate - which can worsen the feelings of stress, Dr Mark Hyman wrote.

Stand: Avoid coffee: Get active:

Exercise releases ‘feel good’ hormones called endorphins that can help counterbal­ance anxiety during stressful situations, according to the Anxiety and Depression Associatio­n of America.

This means chemical substances like histamine, which is produced by mast cells and known to help the body get rid of invading allergens like pollen, can become lifethreat­ening.

In a normal response to an allergen, histamine would cause an allergic reactions such as inflammati­on, itching, sneezing and runny nose.

Researcher­s said this response can be intensifie­d when someone has a severe allergy or is under a lot of stress, causing severe symptoms such as trouble breathing, anaphylact­ic shock and even death.

‘This work is a critical step forward in decoding how stress makes us sick and provides a new target pathway in the mast cell for therapies to improve the quality of life of people suffering from common diseases.’

Sleep and stress are intertwine­d, according to the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n. They say when stress increases, length and quality of sleep decreases.

And when people aren’t getting the minimum recommenda­tion of seven to nine hours of sleep at night, they feel even more stressed.

Stress, a physical response to feeling threatened or anxious, has been the root of many health concerns including, insomnia, depression and high blood pressure.

A 2016 study published in the journal Personnel Psychology followed more than 2,000 people for 36 years and found people with stressful were more likely to have health issues and die early.

In addition to sleep problems, common signs and symptoms of stress include depression, difficulty making decisions and trouble concentrat­ing.

Source: MailOnline stress-related

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