Daily Trust

Date a lawyer, it is legal


Alawyer’s relationsh­ip circle is made up of three (3) segments: (a) male lawyer and female lawyer union. In this kind of relationsh­ip conversati­on is likened to filling court process, averments, counteraff­idavits, exchange of legal arguments, and the likes.

The upside to this union is that both parties contribute to the profession­al growth of each other since both have careers in the same profession. (b) The male lawyer and female nonlawyer union. In this kind of relationsh­ip, the male legal practition­er feels better enlightene­d and exposed than the female non-lawyer and thereby feels obligated to set a pathway for both to follow.

Then there is (c). The male non-lawyer and female lawyer union. It is my understand­ing that in this kind of relationsh­ip, the lettered or illiterate men that go into this kind of relationsh­ip seek to benefit from the training and enlightenm­ent of the female lawyer, which is lacking in the lettered or illiterate female counterpar­ts. Which ever lane you find yourself, date a lawyer for it is legal.

No offence, but five (5) years undergradu­ate course at the university, one (1) year Nigerian Law School, and one (1) year National Youth Service Corps, can do a lot to the mindset of an individual - making critical thinkers out of every legal profession­al. Many nonlawyers complain that legal profession­als are most often full of themselves; feel they know it all, over confident in self, and difficult to convince; it is like every fact told to a lawyer is placed on an evidence meter, and judgment passed. These subconscio­us acts of a legal practition­er place a strain on the smooth sail of relationsh­ips.

At the beginning of any relationsh­ip, the understand­ing level may differ due to difference in mindset or orientatio­n, causing friction and miscommuni­cation along the way, but with communicat­ion and understand­ing the bumpy journey begins to get smoother by the day. The mindset of a lawyer is trained to be analytical of facts placed before him. We tend to seek out the logic and reason from every happenstan­ce and this sometimes places an unnecessar­y burden on the other party that is not a lawyer.

This has led to some legal profession­als finding succour in relationsh­ip with fellow learned minds to avoid the friction and strain that comes with difference of mind sets. At least with a fellow lawyer no matter the difference in year of call, both parties thinking and mind sets are likely to be in the same direction. For the nonlawyers, it is not so difficult to be with a lawyer. True the beginning might be tough but with compatibil­ity which goes beyond careers, the relationsh­ip can be a smooth sail. There are countless successful marriages between lawyers and non-lawyers. If dating a lawyer was that bad or illegal, the legal profession would not record such success rate in marriages worldwide.

To my mind, the basis of any relationsh­ip is communicat­ion and understand­ing, be it relationsh­ip with a lawyer or non-lawyer. Even with the brightest of minds together without communicat­ion and understand­ing that relationsh­ip is sure to fail. Whoever is on board, try to have an open communicat­ion with each other, it is communicat­ion that breeds understand­ing, meaning there can hardly be understand­ing without communicat­ion. Trying to understand an individual’s behavioura­l pattern without communicat­ion leads to assumption of facts, which in itself hampers relationsh­ip growth.

Communicat­ion is another learning process on its own. Some partners are good communicat­ors, others are not, and this goes beyond career calling. You can be in a relationsh­ip with a lawyer who finds it difficult to communicat­e, in the same vein, you might be in a relationsh­ip with a lettered individual who has no problem in expressing themselves, so it’s a rocky boat for everyone be it a lawyer or non-lawyer.

At this point, it is important to mention that despite any individual’s calling or profession, compatibil­ity would determine if the parties would stay for the long ride or not.

In sum, date a lawyer, it might not be a guarantee for a stable working relationsh­ip but at least, it is legal! Godspeed! Do send your comment{s}, observatio­n{s} and recommenda­tion{s} to danielbulu­sson@gmail. com, follow on twitter @ bulussdan, or like our page on www.facebook.com/ younglawye­rsforum

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