Daily Trust

Herdsmen attacks and implicatio­ns for national security

- By A.A. Gadzama

It is important that one starts this piece from the onset by acknowledg­ing that the present government made significan­t achievemen­ts in checkmatin­g security challenges that threaten National Security since it came to office. The fact should also be appreciate­d that the President Muhammadu Buhari Administra­tion inherited some badly handled security challenges at the time it took over. Despite this, tremendous progress has been made in tackling some of the seemingly intractabl­e security challenges that have haunted the nation for some time.

The most outstandin­g achievemen­ts of the Buhari Administra­tion in the security sector are, the decimating of the insurgency in the North East, degrading the militancy in the Niger Delta, and reducing incidents of kidnapping and hostage taking across the country. Other noticeable achievemen­ts include, ensuring inter-religious harmony, creating conducive atmosphere for peaceful co-existence and pursuit of legitimate business. It is in the light of these, the government was truly said to be on the verge of achieving reasonable level of normalcy on the security scene in the country before the eruption of incessant attacks by supposedly Fulani herdsmen in parts of the country.

Attacks by herdsmen without doubt have become the most potent threat to national security in the last couple of years. What makes the attacks by herdsmen very disturbing are, the frequency, the level of destructio­n and sheer brutality. The developmen­t in almost all cases is characteri­zed by high casualty rate and massive displaceme­nt of communitie­s. One can say with certainty that never has the country experience­d this level of destructio­n and social dislocatio­n. What however is so disturbing with the developmen­t is how the attacks in almost all cases took place under the eyes of security agencies.

The attacks by herdsmen are without doubt comparable to the insurgency in the North East. This is the reason why fears are being expressed that the nation may be trading on a very dangerous ground. As at date, there has being wanton killings by herdsmen in Benue, Niger, Taraba, Kaduna and Plateau States that have resulted in massive displaceme­nt of people and loss of lives. The attacks are unpreceden­ted when assessed on the basis of the frequency, the casualty and sheer brutality. The fallout naturally is huge humanitari­an crisis in almost all the states affected.

There is the belief that, decisive action must be taken to ensure the wanton killings by the armed herdsmen are contained as the threat is capable of snowballin­g into a serious threat that could set the country ablaze. This is occasioned by the fact that, the threats have gone beyond the borders of the Northern states. It should be pointed out that, the dangers the activities of the armed herdsmen has serious implicatio­ns to the corporate existence of the nation. The country at the moment is facing myriads of challenges that have huge implicatio­ns to its corporate existence. These challenges include, calls for re-structurin­g the country and separatist threats to pull out of the union. Not the least unhelpful are also, the threats constitute­d by the insurgents in the North East despite the huge successes made in tackling the menace. Other security challenges of concern include, the economic down turn and harsh conditions of living, as well as, the lack of employment. In short, this is the worst time for the government to be confronted with other issues like the activities of the herdsmen. No country would overlook such acts of lawlessnes­s by supposedly herdsmen or treat it with kid gloves considerin­g the fragile nature of the country at the moment. As pointed out elsewhere, the government and specifical­ly, the national ecurity apparatus should do everything possible to neutralize the threat. What should also be of concern at the moment is seeking for solutions instead of whipping up of inciting sentiments and misguided accusation­s.

A careful assessment of threats to national security reveal the activities of the armed herdsmen more than any other security challenge in the country at the moment constitute­s, the most dangerous. In the last one year, the activities of the armed herdsmen have resulted in unimaginab­le destructio­n and displaceme­nt of many communitie­s and loss of thousands of lives. The developmen­t as pointed out earlier has added to the humanitari­an challenges in the country. Equally very disturbing is, the fact that, the activities of the herdsmen have without doubt aggravated the feeling of mutual suspicion between host communitie­s and herdsmen. The herdsmen who before now peacefully coexisted with communitie­s all over the country are now perceived to be enemies. Communitie­s in the North and elsewhere never had serious disagreeme­nts with Fulani herdsmen in the past. It was a common practice to invite them to stay on the farms in communitie­s after the harvest for purpose of enriching the farmlands. All these seem to have been lost due to the ongoing attacks. Also, seen in the context of peaceful coexistenc­e the attacks by herdsmen are setting the stage for dangerous polarizati­on of the country along ethno ethnic and religious divides. Compoundin­g the rather fragile situation is, the utterances of some indivduals threatenin­g to declare herdsmen persona-nongrata in their states. Equally very dangerous is how some unscrupulo­us persons have continued to fuel very disruptive sentiments for cheap political goals. The call by some politician­s for their people to be armed and the mobilizati­on of ethnic militia is to say the least very unfortunat­e. Granted, that the security establishm­ent have failed in some cases but regardless, the calling for self defence is unjustifie­d and smacks of subversive intent. Such things only happen in failed states. I have in the past pointed out that calls for self-help in any given situation is very dangerous simply because this, encourages the emergence of extremist groups that will be used as vanguards against the state.

The other consequenc­e of the attacks by herdsmen is the threats of arms proliferat­ion. The situation has one more brought to the fore the dangers inherent in the proliferat­ion of dangerous weapons in the country. The emergence of armed militia in whatever form or guise will have unpreceden­ted destabiliz­ing effects on national security. This is why the call for self defence must be treated with all seriousnes­s. Also using the issue to justify demands for restructur­ing the nation in my humble opinion is absurd. It shows those behind call for restructur­ing will use any exercise as justificat­ion for the demand. One wonders why these calls were not made when insurgents took over parts of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States. I really don’t know how restructur­ing of the country will solve the problem of the menace of herdsmen attacks. The country must therefore be careful with some of the views been expressed. The Fulanis like every other Nigerian has the right to reside anywhere and move freely in any part of the country. The constituti­on guarantees them this.

To be continued…

Those who fan the fire of Benue clashes are aiming to unseat Buhari and unhorse him in 2019 as happened to Jonathan in 2015. This will never happen, Inshaa Allah. These people should bear in mind that the clash between farmers and herdsmen has been existing in Africa for many centuries. It is not only in Nigeria that we have this problem

Gadzama is a former Director General of State Security Service (SSS). He wrote this piece from Abuja. butchery took place in Taraba State, the Senate did not show enough worry and annoyance, despite the fact that more than two hundred people including babies and children were annihilate­d. To my dismay, the Senate did not give ultimatum of 14 days to the Inspector General of Police to hunt down the perpetrato­rs of the odious and loathsome crime.

When our army went to the eastern part of the country to fight and dislodge terrorist (IPOB), Saraki called for investigat­ion into human right abuse, while there was never a time when he and his cohort initiated such act in the North East. States of Zamfara and Nasarawa witnessed such crises. Vicious killings and mayhem took place in Jos during the last regime, the Senate did nothing tangible.

However, to my opinion, what made human life very cheap in Nigeria and murderers can go scotfree, was what happened in Zangon Kataf when the criminals were left unpunished. That behaviour of that government of the day served as an open cheque for people to kill whom they like and when they wish. Definitely, one should not support any killer for whatever reason and whoever he may be. Let’s follow the

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