Daily Trust

We saw hell in kidnappers’ den – Abducted clerics

- By Abbas Jimoh & Adam Umar

The two Abuja based Muslim clerics abducted penultimat­e Sunday afternoon around Lampese, Edo State and Ogori-Magongo area Kogi State have regained freedom.

They were released on Thursday after their abductors got paid an undisclose­d amount from the initial N60million demanded by the kidnappers.

Ustaz Shakurulla­h Badewa and Shakurulla­h Akindele were abducted, while travelling back to Abuja from Ibadan, Oyo State where they attended a religious event.

Scores of Muslims and Christian neighbours were seen visiting the family to commiserat­e and thank God for their release and held a special thanksgivi­ng prayer on Sunday.

Badewa who spoke to Daily Trust said the duo with two women had planned to reach Okenne or Lokoja to observe afternoon prayers before they were attacked around 1pm.

“We were stopped by the six-man gang and we initially thought they were armed robbers with their sporadic shooting that lasted minutes. Another motorist travelling in the same car like ours was able to escape. When we eventually stopped they marched my colleague and myself into a bush and left the women after collecting our phones and other valuables that they can carry.

“We walked for about six hours and only stopped to observe the Magrib (evening) prayer. We walked for several hours later deeper into dense forest before they cleared some portion of the bush and asked us to sleep. Throughout our five days stay, we were fed with only one loaf of bread. One of their leaders however brought mangoes from nearby farm,” Badewa said.

He said he was beaten, tied with rope and subjected to other forms of abuse, while negotiatio­n for their release continued.

He said he was surprised that despite the distance and lack of network on their mobile phones, the kidnapper’s small-size mobile phone had network and that his sim card was used to make calls.

According to him, their abductors blamed the societal disorder and poverty for taking to kidnapping, but said they have godfathers that they worked for.

Daily Trust had Wednesday reported news of their abduction. last the

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