Daily Trust

Police uncover local brewery in Ikorodu, arrest 5 suspects

- From Eugene Agha, Lagos

The Lagos State Police command has uncovered another local distillery company in Igba Afa, Igbogbo Bayeku area of Ikorodu, where it said fake malt, stout and beer are produced.

Five suspects have been arrested in connection with the alleged criminal activities at the production site.

The Lagos State Commission­er of Police, Imohimi Edgal, personally led a team of policemen to the factory built on an acre of land, which had been immediatel­y forfeited to the state government.

Edgal said that the discovery was as a result of the partnershi­p between the police state.

He said, “Right here, we have an illegal distillery where stout, malt and assorted alcoholic drinks are produced using ethanol in very unhygienic conditions. Five suspects have been arrested.

“You will recall that recently during my last press briefing, I paraded an elderly man who and residents in the was selling all sorts of fake drinks in Mushin. I have called on Lagosians to be vigilant and to pass informatio­n promptly to their local police so as to ensure we identify places like this and destroy them because they are not good for human consumptio­n.

“Most people who drink these things that are produced in unhygienic conditions may become sick as a result of this. The drinks are not certified by NAFDAC and those producing it are not qualified to do so.

They are generally giving out poison to Lagosians as drink. What is most worrisome is that they are bottling and canning them as if they are produced by reputable companies that deal in the product. I call for additional vigilance.

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