Daily Trust

Biofuels/Ethanol: An untapped goldmine

- By Latif D. Busari

Discussion­s on why Nigeria should look beyond oil as its major source of revenue are never in short supply. The call for economic diversific­ation remains a topical issue in Nigeria. Concerned Nigerians are of the belief that our single-resource economic structure accounts for why important national goals remain largely unachieved.

While successive administra­tions did trumpet the need for Nigeria to meaningful­ly harness her abundant natural resources, the political will to bring their pronouncem­ents to fruition remains the problem.

Nigeria cannot afford to be anywhere else at a time other nations are putting plans in place to maximise their natural potential, especially as it relates to renewable energy resource.

Countries have since realized the need to focus attention on Biofuels or ethanol production as a reliable substitute for gasoline e. Debates have been on on the need for countries to embrace this largely untapped natural resource whose its benefits far outweigh its hazards.

Biofuels are fuels made from cellulosic biomass resources and they include ethanol, biodiesel and methanol. Biomass processes can be designed to produce solid fuel, liquid fuel, gasses or even electricit­y. Commercial­ly viable sources of biofuel include some crops, such as sugarcane, sugar beets, cassava etc, also from vegetable oils derived from plant seeds, such as sunflower, linseed and oilseed, as well as animal waste. Developmen­t of “Second generation” or “advanced” biofuel using practicall­y any available ligno-cellulosic materials such as trees, stover, crop wastes are also gradually becoming commercial­ly viable.

Since primary feedstock of these fuels are plants which are subjected to bio-chemical or thermochem­ical processes, they are also regarded as bio-renewable energy or fuels since the plants could be grown as often as required.

In meeting the huge current and future energy needs of the world, biofuels are very crucial ingredient­s for sustainabl­e developmen­t and have become a vital and indispensi­ble input to the economic needs of our present civilizati­on. Many countries across the world have realized this and are churning out policies and programmes designed to make them energy selfsuffic­ient. It is therefore worrisome that Nigeria seems to be missing in action, in all of this.

The Nigerian government had way back in 2005 conceptual­ised the bio-ethanol developmen­t initiative, but little has been done, in terms of providing necessary legal framework to make it work. It is however surprising that, Nigeria, been home to most raw materials needed to produce biofuels hasn’t embraced it long time ago. If that initiative had been pursued, by now, Nigeria would have developed the required capacity and joined other nations exploiting this renewable energy resource to help offset falling revenues from oil output.

The bitter truth remains that, from all realistic projection­s, the very oil that has blinded our eyes from seeing other potential won’t last more than 40 years and our gas won’t last more than 60 years. I think this revelation should jolt the nation into immediate action.

Heightened advocacy on the usage of ethanol for industrial and other purposes is gaining popularity as a result of the concerns by environmen­talists who claim that the production and usage of gasoline fuels and other petroleum products are causing harm to natural environmen­t. Global warming and its effects like flooding are being directly linked by scientists to the fact that vehicles and industries using petroleum products are emitting gasses that are damaging the ozone layer and thereby harmful to the atmosphere.

While ethanol is not new in the market, regrettabl­y, its potentials have not been fully explored. In some sub-Saharan African countries, ethanol is brewed locally. But the distillati­on process is not perfected enough to have a fine spirit. This has encouraged the importatio­n of ethanol. Even then, opportunit­ies still abound to import ethanol and make money distributi­ng it. Embracing or focusing on ethanol production doesn’t imply that we would abandon gasoline.

South Africa has not only realized the enormous benefits in ethanol production, in terms of job creation, curtailing environmen­tal hazards linked to gasoline, boosting business and encouragin­g economic diversific­ation, but has since designed a legal framework to ensure it succeeds.

Even though the task team had recommende­d a 4.5 percent biofuels penetratio­n programme, the Cabinet limited the biofuels pilot phase to 2 percent of the national fuel demand. This is to ensure that “the extent of the socio-economic benefits which are expected from the biofuel programme in comparison to the subsidy are felt by the people”.

The South African government didn’t stop at that, it went ahead to establish a procedure for applying for the biofuels production license under the Petroleum Products acts of 1977. Also licensed manufactur­ers were required to obtain necessary licenses and permits required to operate biofuels manufactur­ing.

There is nothing wrong in Nigeria understudy­ing South Africa in this regards. The ethanol production legal framework designed by the South African government took note of issues relating to local content, job creation for citizens, technical requiremen­ts, raw materials, environmen­tal regulation­s, subsidy as well as other incentives for investors.

It is obvious that there is need for Nigeria to explore alternativ­e source of energy especially to create jobs for its citizens, strengthen its energy capacity and address Nigeria’s acute power/fuel energy supply deficit.

Busari wrote this piece from Abuja its declining

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