Daily Trust

Apart from the almost ten million out of school kids roaming our streets, we are saddled with killer kids who have never been remorseful for their actions. Consumptio­n of codeine laced cough syrup and other drugs have turned our kids to killers without co


he cares about the education of his constituen­ts. What can the Minister tell them? It is a parental problem and they must recognize such for us to move ahead without harassing any public official.

When Nasiru El-Rufa’i, the Kaduna state governor tried to address the rot in the state’s public education, all the senators from the state challenged him, and now they want the Minister of Education to come and explain to them why our children fail their exams? When you compensate your political thugs with teaching jobs, what do you expect to get - “thug in, thug out”, of course.

Apart from the almost ten million out of school kids roaming our streets, we are saddled with killer kids who have never been remorseful for their actions. Consumptio­n of codeine laced cough syrup and other drugs have turned our kids to killers without conscience right in front of our eyes. The north is now a haven of addicts - hard drugs for the children of the rich and cough syrup for the kids of the poor.

What are we doing as parents to bring this menace to an end? The government is partly to blame for the escalation of the brigandage holding the north to ransom. Whenever any of these killer kids are arrested, they make bail the next hour to come and attack their accusers. This makes many people scared of identifyin­g and taking them to the police. But then the ultimate responsibi­lity still lies with the parent. Shifting our responsibi­lities to the government won’t help us.

Future leaders? They don’t even have any future in their vision, no thanks to our stupidity.

Toungo wrote from Abuja this piece

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