Daily Trust

The recycled


0813180003­0Recycling igerian politics is an old school game; it is a game that is recycling within the same political inclinatio­n, same political ideology, same political system including same mind set, same objective with same motive. It is a game that is played by the same players without substitute, a game without a new tactics. Nigerian system of government is actually an old wine in a new bottle; it is a system of using old products and rebranding them to suit the present market situation. It is simply a strategy of packaging old products that cannot yield any result or satisfacti­on to the consumers. For how long can we sit and watch this old school game?

This call for a wakeup call to all Nigerian youths, these old school players have lost moral authority in this country and thus, paralyzing the youths with fear, the fear of terrors. These old school players need to be reminded that it is not good to sow the seed of catastroph­e as no one knows the augury of tomorrow. There is time for everything, a time to keep silent, a time to speak, a time to be inactive and a time to be active. What went wrong? Where did we go wrong? What is happening in this country? Must we constantly follow the same cabals who are misleading us and making life unbearable for us? Does this means the potentiali­ty of this great Nation has been arrested and taken away from us forever? I think there is a need for Nigerian youths to reflect on these questions.

Professor Wole Soyinka said it all. He establishe­d that Awolowo was 37years, Akintola 36years, Ahmadu Bello 36years, Balewa 34years, Okotie-Eboh 27years and Enahoro 27years. These distinguis­hed personalit­ies led the struggle for Nigeria Independen­ce after the death of Macaulay. Among the list enumerated by Soyinka, only Zik was 42years at that time. Admittedly, in 1966, the first military coup was led by Major Nzeogwu who was 29years and countered by Murtala Mohammed 28years, T. Danjuma 28years, I. Babangida 25years, J. Garba 23years and brought into power Yakubu Gowon 32years, Ojukwu 33years, Obasanjo 29years and Buhari 24years. Ironically, today we have Buhari 75years, Osinbajo 61years, Atiku 71years, Obasanjo 81years to mention a few.

Most of the military governors who governed the states under the successive military regimes were under 30 years as documented by our noble laureate Professor Wole Soyinka. Apparently, the brief democratic dispensati­on which interjecte­d the military interregnu­ms also saw some Senators and members of the House of Representa­tives, in particular, populated by persons less than 30 years. Under 30’s were also not in short supply with appointmen­ts like MT Mbu who became Nigeria’s Foreign Affairs Minister at 23yrs and Pat Utomi who became a Federal Adviser at 27yrs and many more.

What remains a million dollar question is why almost all this age bracket today is still sleeping in their parent’s homes? Why is it that this age bracket is roaming the street? Why is it that this age bracket is today still searching for job to infinity? Why is it that this age bracket is not occupying political offices? Why is it that this age bracket is been sidelined to political matters of this Nation? These questions and many more will remain a thorn in everyone’s flesh.

I think the youths are over sleeping. This is the time to spring into action; this is the time to end this game of recycling the recycled. Nigerian youths must do everything within their capacity to make sure that under 30’s are given the mandate to rule this Nation comes 2019. This is the time to stop this game of recycling the recycled.

Aondover Eric Msughter, Department Communicat­ion, Bayero University, Kano

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