Daily Trust

FG tasks project managers to save N120bn by 2020

- By Abbas Jimoh

The Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Mrs Winifred Oyo-Ita, has urged the Project Management Teams (PMTs) implementi­ng the 2017-2020 Federal Civil Service Strategy and Implementa­tion Plan (FCSSIP) to save up to N120 billion by the year 2020.

She gave the charge yesterday in Abuja at the meeting of the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF) with Multi-Lateral/ Developmen­t Partners on Implementa­tion of the 2017-2020 plan.

The Federal Government had in February 2017 inaugurate­d the strategy to reposition the Federal Public Service for improved service delivery.

“It is apparent that that the PMTs are confronted with onerous task in terms of delivering the project’s set goals and objectives, I want to emphasize that they are expected to deliver the following outcomes by the year 2020.

“N60bn to N120bn should be saved from cleaning the Human Resources data on Integrated Personnel and Payroll Informatio­n System (IPPIS), N2.5bn should also be saved for digitizing content like memos, personnel records among others. 25,000 civil servants should be trained through revamped core modules, 200 future leaders should be cultivated through the Leadership Enhancemen­t and Developmen­t Programme (LEAD-P) among others,” OyoIta said.

The strategic plan’s eight priority areas are, Re-design and Re-Launch three core training modules; launch Strategic Sourcing of Identified Skills; Institutio­nalize Performanc­e Management and Launch a Salary Review and Drive Innovation in service.

Others are, Accelerate Roll-Out of Human Resource Module of Integrated Personnel and Payroll Informatio­n System (IPPIS); Launch of Efficient Productive Incorrupti­ble Citizen Centred (EPIC) culture Transforma­tion and Establish and Enterprise Content Management Solution.

The Permanent Secretary, Career Management Office (CMO) OHCSF, Mr Suleiman Mustapha, said the meeting was to enable PMTs interact with partners and identify areas of interventi­on to ensure successful implementa­tion of the plan.

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