Daily Trust

Birnin Gwari: Buratai gives soldiers 3 weeks to end killings

.... Opens military base in Kanfanin Doka

- From Maryam Ahmadu-Suka, Kaduna

The Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Yusuf Buratai, has charged troops to end the wanton killings and destructio­n of property in Birnin Gwari local government in Kaduna state by armed bandits in three weeks.

He gave the charge while flagging-off the 2 Battalion Forward Operation Base (FOB) at the Birnin-Gwari area of Kaduna State yesterday.

Armed bandits had in the last five months killed over 100 persons, including 11 soldiers in various villages of Birnin-Gwari.

President Muhammadu Buhari had in reaction to the latest attack promised to establish an Army battalion in the area.

Addressing troops Operation ‘Idon Raini’ at for the proposed site in Kanfanin Doka village of Birnin-Gwari, Buratai said “We are no longer going to adopt the defensive approach, it must be offensive. Since the battle has been brought to you, you must take it back and crush them wherever they are.

“The killings must stop, the wanton destructio­ns of properties must stop, not only within Kaduna State but across the country.

“In the next two, three weeks, there must be very resounding results that will bring these criminals to their knees finally.

“Am happy with the initiative of the General Officer Commanding 1 Division and all the commanders for the new approach and I want to see a decisive result at the end of this operation.”

He said commanders must be personally held responsibl­e for any lapse, even as he promised to give the troops support in the areas of logistics and welfare.

The Emir of Birnin-Gwari, Alhaji Zubairu Jibril Mai Gwari II, while hosting the COAS in his palace, said “These people, the bandits cannot be contained by mounting of road block or staying on the road, so the security operatives have to take the fight to them in the bush, otherwise they will continue to unleash mayhem.

“There are some special forces that came recently and performed wonderfull­y well, please the Chief of Army Staff should bring them back. So if you bring these boys back and even superior officers and personnel, am sure you will finish them on time, because this is not Sambisa forest. And since the Chief of Army Staff is here, we are sure this thing will come to an end.”

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