Daily Trust

Use Ramadan to normalise relationsh­ips with Allah, scholars urges

- From Nurudeen Oyewole, Lagos

The Chief Imam of Bab Salam Home Lagos, Mallam Hassan Tohir alongside Engr. Mukhtar Abass and Uztaz Isiaq Inenemo have advised Muslims to explore the spiritual rewards in the month of Ramadan to smoothen relationsh­ip with Allah, their creator.

The Islamic scholars gave the advice at the 8th Annual Ramadan Lecture of the Friends of Islam Developmen­t (FID) Network held in Lagos.

Imam Tohir said the relationsh­ip with Allah is the most essential of all relationsh­ips Muslims must endeavour to keep because it comes with rewards both in the world and the hereafter.

“If you honour your relationsh­ip with Allah there would be immense benefits for you. Allah has promised that whoever normalises their relationsh­ip with Him will not regret and will never be cheated no matter how minute,” Imam Tohir said.

Also, Uztaz Inenemo who spoke on: “Reconnecti­ng with Allah; fixing the broken units” said no matter the challenges Muslims could be faced with, they must not disparage Allah because the higher their challenges, the higher is the love with their creator.

Similarly, Engr. Abass said if Muslims refused to move closer to Allah, the devil will keep making it harder for them to normalise such. The Founder, FID Network, Hajia Aishat Tukur said the idea behind the initiative is to strengthen the organisati­on’s mission which is to effectivel­y communicat­e virtues and teachings of Islam in a conducive environmen­t.

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