Daily Trust

ADP opts out of PDP-led coalition

- By Muideen Olaniyi

The Action Democratic Party (ADP) has opted out of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)-led Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP).

ADP National Chairman, Engr. Yusuf Yabagi Sani, who addressed journalist­s yesterday in Abuja, said the party remained the third force that would provide the credible alternativ­e Nigerians yearned for to end hunger, wanton killings and executive lawlessnes­s.

Sani said ADP was not in a hurry to hobnob with those who allegedly mismanaged Nigeria for 16 years and now regrouping in an unstrategi­c haste to resume unpreceden­ted looting of the nation’s treasury.

He said: “It is important to know that those who pushed Nigeria to the precipice are the drivers of the coalition and have nothing new to offer. To collaborat­e with them, is to sleep with strange bedfellows.

“The ADP is not averse to any political coalition that can bring about a positive overhaul of the Nigerian system. But this shall be done with true patriots who are not a part of the Nigerian problem.

“At ADP, we believe the time has come for a generation­al shift in leadership and not putting old wines in new bottles which is what the PDP-led coalition represents.

“It is instructiv­e to remember that it was a similar ragtag coalition that brought the rudderless APC to power in 2015. So Nigerians must wake up and resist another deceit by the same desperate and corrupt politician­s.

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