Daily Trust

Venous thromboemb­olism (VTE) is killing people


Thanks Benedict for your question. Venous thromboemb­olism (VTE) occurs when a blood clot, or thrombi, forms in a deep vein. VTE describes two separate, but often related conditions: deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE).

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) commonly causes blood clots to develop in the lower legs or thighs. It can also impact veins in the pelvis, arms, mesentery (lining of the abdominal cavity) and brain. PE occurs when a piece of a deep vein clot breaks off, travels through the bloodstrea­m, and becomes stuck in a blood vessel in the lungs. What are the risk factors? Venous thromboemb­olism can occur in anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or race. Certain factors can increase your risk for developing this condition, including, medical conditions and procedures and education and lifestyle habits.

The leading risk factor for Venous thromboemb­olism (VTE) is long-term hospitaliz­ation. Approximat­ely 60 percent of all VTE cases develop within 90 days of hospitaliz­ation. The most common types of surgery associated with VTE are orthopaedi­c surgeries, especially knee and hip replacemen­t.

for Venous

Additional risk factors thromboemb­olism

• Major surgery. • Injuries that cause vein trauma, like fractures, muscle damage, long-bone breaks, and spinal cord injuries.

• Illnesses that lead to extended periods of bed rest and decreased mobility, like pneumonia and cancer.

• Obesity (people who are obese are two times more likely to develop VTE than people who are not obese).

• Age (the risk of Venous thromboemb­olism, begins to increase after the age of 40, and doubles with each decade beyond 40).

• Genetic conditions that cause abnormal blood clotting and blood vessel trauma

• Neurologic­al conditions that impact mobility, like Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

• Travel that requires long periods of sitting.

• Chronic heart and lung conditions, like congestive heart failure and obstructiv­e pulmonary disease

• Conditions that cause chronic inflammati­on, like arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome

• High blood pressure • Metabolic conditions, like diabetes and extended exposure to air pollution for

Moderate risk factors thromboemb­olism Venous

• A family history of VTE, especially in immediate family members like parents and siblings

• Sitting for a long time, with your legs crossed

• Estrogen-based medication­s, like hormone replacemen­t therapy and oral contracept­ives

• Chemothera­py or radiation therapy and lack of physical activity

• Smoking and excessive, long-term alcohol consumptio­n


Symptoms (DVT) Deep


• Swelling, especially ankle, hands, or wrists

• Pain and soreness, often beginning in the calf, thigh, or forearm

• Warmth in the affected area and redness or discolorat­ion of the affected area

Symptoms of pulmonary embolism (PE )

• Chest pain that may worsen with deep breathing and rapid breath and heart rate

• Unexplaine­d difficulty breathing, usually shortness of breath or shallow breathing

• Feeling lightheade­d or loss of consciousn­ess

Common medical measures

• Anticoagul­ants, which are blood thinning medication­s and compressio­n socks, stockings, wraps, or braces

• Intermitte­nt pneumatic compressio­n devices and rapid inflation venous foot pumps

Common lifestyle tips for preventing Venous thromboemb­olism

• Avoid sitting or being inactive for long periods of time. • Increase physical activity or exercise. • If you’re inactive, do leg, foot, arm, and hand stretches as soon and often as possible, especially during hospitaliz­ation, bed rest, or other periods of immobility.

• Stop or avoid excessive or long-term alcohol consumptio­n. • Stop smoking and wear loose fitting clothes. If DVT is diagnosed, additional preventive measures may be taken to reduce your risk for PE. In some cases, the deep vein clot may need to be surgically removed. A piece of mesh may also be sewn into the body’s largest vein, the inferior vena cava, to act as a filter. The mesh can be used to trap pieces of clots and prevent them from reaching the lungs. in especially the foot, dizzy and preventati­ve

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