Daily Trust

Nigeria Air fiasco: Even the idea couldn’t fly!


Blaming their failures on past government­s has become the stock response of the current administra­tion, but there are some failures they simply can’t blame on others. Recently so much hype was created over the rebirth of a national carrier to replace the defunct Nigerian Airways. The “powers that be” could have chosen to imitate successful operations in Egypt, Ethiopia or South Africa, instead they decided to do things the Nigerian way. It was a disaster waiting to happen, an absurdity which culminated in the “indefinite suspension” of the stillborn project. Given the nation’s unsolved pressing problems, the idea seemed poorly timed to say the least.

Despite the fact that the proposed ownership structure could never qualify the airline as a “national carrier”, an incredulou­s sum was spent financing the debacle. Industry experts warned against the move. They said it was an ill-considered approach and the airline wouldn’t get off the ground. They were right. While other nations were unveiling their new aircraft, Nigeria quite comically launched its new national carrier by “unveiling” a name, a logo, and drawings of an aeroplane! To add to the clowning around senior Government officials outlined the imaginary routes of a non-existent fleet! The logo was designed in Bahrain and the launching took place in far-away England.

This was an extraordin­ary waste of tax payer’s money, and the implicatio­n that no Nigerian is capable of designing a simple airline logo is an unbridled insult. Assuming the motives were genuine in the first place, the whole saga reeks of mental inferiorit­y and emotional immaturity. It’s further evidence that the issue of national planning must be taken far more seriously if there is ever to be an end to the continuing waste of the nation’s time and money. The loss occasioned by the Nigeria Air fiasco is estimated conservati­vely at N1.2 Billion, and authoritie­s appear reticent in disputing this by releasing the exact figure.

In true Nigerian fashion there is little likelihood that the public will ever know the amount squandered. The claim by opposition spokespers­ons that the whole affair was a hoax designed to free funds for the 2019 presidenti­al election campaign seems a bit far-fetched. Its far more likely that the fiasco was just another in a long line of white elephant projects routinely embarked upon by government. It’s worthy of note that the only part of the farce which took place in Nigeria was the announceme­nt of its indefinite suspension! The Minister of Aviation’s explanatio­n that the “difficult decision” was taken in order to “strategize” begs the question; “was there no clear strategy in the first place?”

What is abundantly clear is that subsequent to the Nigeria Air “launch”, and up until the suspension date, nothing concrete had been done. There was no website, no offices, no recruitmen­t centres and no form of ground activity for an operation which was supposed to commence within months. Waiving the whole affair away so easily substantia­tes the allegation that those holding high office continue to feel that they can do exactly as they please because nothing will happen.

This latest mess must not be swept under the carpet in the usual manner. If no one is held accountabl­e, then government officials will draw lessons and in future continue to freely squander the nation’s scarce resources without fear of sanction. Experts have long since advised that the only way to put a stop to Nigeria’s never ending financial scandals is to support an effective anti-corruption war with efficient planning and control systems. There’s a mistaken belief that the main hinderance­s to national progress in Nigeria are unchecked corruption, nepotism, tribalism, lack of integrity and abuse of power.

In reality these aren’t the problem, they are merely undesirabl­e traits in leadership. The real hinderance to national progress is unending incompeten­ce and maladminis­tration caused by poor planning and ineffectiv­e control systems. The increasing expression­s of dejection and despair in the land simply reflects a growing general disappoint­ment. Nigerians were convinced that poor governance was going to end with a new political party in power. They were promised both in writing and orally that change had finally come and the nation would work to a plan. They truly believed it and wholeheart­edly bought into the change mantra.

Disappoint­ingly most indices now point to the fact that after the alluring promises and excellent marketing, the product isn’t living up to expectatio­n. Irrespecti­ve of political party Nigerian political appointees consistent­ly fail to appreciate that leadership is far more than simply holding high office. True leadership is all about intelligen­t decision making. Not even the most eloquent and supportive of government spokespers­ons can make sense of the Nigeria Air saga. Quite simply put it was either a hoax, or an ill-considered pipe dream. Even the idea couldn’t fly let alone aircraft!

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