Daily Trust

Things that pertain to our peace

- By Femi Adesina

I’d never had the head for figures. In fact, the enmity between me and mathematic­s was so bad that if you gave me a bottle, and you asked me to use the bottom to write the letter ‘o,’ it may likely come out as ‘p’ or ‘q,’ or even something more catastroph­ic.

But what God seemed to have denied me in numeracy, He compensate­d in letters. I was just at home with literary subjects.

In 1977, as a secondary class 2 student, I had one Sri Lankan, who taught us mathematic­s. His name was Mr Paranahewa. The subject was just like his mother tongue, from the way he taught it. For me, it was simply Greek.

Mr Paranahewa could not understand why anybody would not have the foggiest idea about mathematic­s, which was the case with me and some other students in the same category. What to do? He created a special class for us, which he ran for about an hour or two after school hours, at no cost to our parents at all.

Amazingly, as we progressed, I began to show flashes that inspired the tutor. He went to the very basics with us, and I began to pull my weight after a few weeks. Mr Paranahewa was happy, and we became friends (I never liked mathematic­s teachers, mind you).

I don’t know what happened thereafter. I suddenly lost interest in figures again. There were surely easier ways to live one’s life than the mumbo jumbo of algebra or geometry, I must have told myself. And that was the end of the romance with mathematic­s.

Why have I told this story which dates back 42 years? Because I find a similitude between what happened to me, and what is happening to Nigeria. This country had wandered in the bush for too long. And then President Muhammadu Buhari came, and put us back on the main road, planted our feet on the road to Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey.

As we hold elections this Saturday to elect our President for the next four years, may we know the things that pertain to our peace as a country. May we opt for the straight and narrow path we’ve been treading for about four years, because at the end of it is peace. May we resist the allure to jump into the wide road that seems quite easy to travel, for at the end of it is destructio­n and damnation.

What are the things that pertain to our peace as a nation? Righteousn­ess. Integrity. Accountabi­lity. Service. A heart for men, particular­ly the poor and downtrodde­n. Diversifie­d economy. Massive infrastruc­ture. Making the money of Nigeria work for Nigerians. And all these Buhari gives, and more.

What is the flip-side? A rent seeking, bubble economy, which collapses with a pin prick. An opaque government. A coalition of people with questionab­le reputation, who have entered into a confederac­y, poised to again stick their snouts into the nectar of office, and perhaps suck out the very lifeblood of the country. In the past, while they held sway, they drew down the Federation Account. Plundered the foreign reserves. Looted the excess crude account into nothingnes­s. Ran the country into a hole. Now they have regrouped, poised to wreak havoc again? Not if Nigerians know the things that pertain to their peace.

There is a farmer who ruled this country for about 12 years in all, if you decide to add his time as a military head of state and two terms as a civilian leader. He paid lip service to agricultur­e, following it with billions upon billions of naira. It all went down the drain. At the end of his tenure, in which he had to quit involuntar­ily, Nigeria was nowhere near food selfsuffic­iency. We still spent millions of dollars annually to import food. But within three years, President Buhari changed the picture. Rice importatio­n reduced by about 90%, we can now feed ourselves, and also sell food to neighborin­g countries. That same man claims he hasn’t seen what President Buhari has done. True. No man is as blind as the person who deliberate­ly refuses to see.

There was a time the sluice gate of corruption was open in this country. Public coffers were like gravy train, from which you took what you wanted at will. Till a new Sheriff came into town. President Buhari came this way, and stealing promptly became corruption. Would we then exchange transparen­cy for fantastic and grand corruption? Not if we know what pertains to our peace.

See infrastruc­tural developmen­t round the country. Roads, bridges, rail, power, all showing a government at work for the people. The second Niger Bridge that they built with their mouths in 16 years is now making steady, sustainabl­e progress. Every state in the country has at least a major federal road under constructi­on. The whole country is now one huge constructi­on site. And then, we forgo all these and give power to people who will play what Igbos call agbata eke (put on the table and share) politics? May God let us not afflict ourselves with blindness, after we had enjoyed the luxury of clear sight.

There are people who have filled the land with hate messages. Pastors who don’t know their Master as the Prince of Peace. People who spread utter falsehood on the social media. They concoct and share evil from the pit of hell, just to turn the people against the government. “But He that sits in Heaven shall laugh...” That is what the Good Book says. The merchants of fake news and polluting messages simply don’t know what pertains to their peace.

Ask the pensioners from Nigeria Airways. The defunct Nitel. The Biafra police. And many more. They will have good stories to tell. Ask millions who have benefitted from the several schemes under the Social Investment Program. They’ll have happy stories to tell. How about farmers who now have access to fertilizer­s at half of what they used to pay? And how about people who lived under the throes of insurgency, who never could sleep with two eyes closed? Good days have come, and better days beckon. They sure know what pertains to their peace.

I’ll rather have an accountabl­e man rule me any day. That is what we have in President Buhari, the mai gaskiya (honest man). And that is why I’ll follow him, till Africa and China join together, till fishes begin to dance in the streets, and remain alive. I know what pertains to my peace as a Nigerian. I know what pertains to the peace of my children, and to the peace of generation­s unborn.

Adesina is Special Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity.

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