Daily Trust

Void Votes: Concerns over 54,049 wasted votes in Sokoto

- From Rakiya A.Muhammad,Sokoto

With a total void votes of 54,049 out of the total vote cast of 925,940 in last Saturday Presidenti­al election in Sokoto state, concerns are being raised over the magnitude of the issue.

Sokoto recorded more rejected votes in the 2019 presidenti­al election than in the 2015 exercise.

In 2015 presidenti­al election, 42,110 ballots were voided in the state.

The 2019 figure showed that an increase of 11,939 more invalid votes were recorded.

“It is alarming,” Director, National Orientatio­n Agency, NOA Sokoto, Alhaji Abubakar Maude, said while commenting on the situation.

He lamented that this was despite the awareness programmes the agency put in place across the 23 local government areas of the state.

“The problem is incorrect voting. It is not just about coming out to vote, but casting the ballot correctly,” he stated.

He noted that some voters fill the ballots in ways that make their choice unclear.

The NOA Director, however, said before the Governorsh­ip and State Assembly elections, efforts would be made towards ensuring the eligible voters are educated properly on correct voting so that their votes count.

He also harped on the need for politician­s to enlighten their supporters on how to vote properly.

The major political parties have also noted with concern the rate of inadverten­t spoiling of votes.

Director –General APC Campaign Council in Sokoto, Alhaji Yusuf Sulaiman stated: “I am very concerned. In largely rural areas sometimes this kind of cases become inevitable, we will do our best, we will continue with our public enlightenm­ent campaigns for people to understand how to vote and what to do to protect their ballot papers after casting their vote.”

He, however, noted: ”INEC also has the responsibi­lity and moral obligation to ensure that their public enlightenm­ent unit continues to disseminat­e informatio­n on what invalidate­s a ballot paper so that people can understand and make sure that their votes really count.”

The PDP Secretary in Sokoto, Alhaji kabiru Aliyu also expressed concern over the number of voided votes. “We are worried because most of these votes are supposed to have been cast in favour of our party.”

He identified the need for continuous enlightenm­ent of voters, adding “you will find out that in societies that claim to be more educated, they have more voided votes than us, if you look at Lagos, Kaduna . It is a general affair, but we will continue to enlighten our people on the right pattern of voting.”

Head Voter Education and Publicity, INEC Sokoto, Muhammad Musa was also bothered. “We are worried indeed because it is a thing of concern despite the efforts we put in voter education, people are still voiding their votes.”

He observed that the problem was not limited to the rural areas. “Even in the city here we noticed that some void votes were recorded, so we are really worried.”

One what is considered invalid vote, he explained: “When a voter‘s choice is not clear; the voter thump printed outside the box or on the line, maybe 50-50. 50 percent in one box and 50 percent in anther box, whenever the voter’s choice is unclear that makes it invalid.”

He added that it is not from the folding of the ballot paper. “We taught them how to vote and the ink dries quickly but majority of the void votes are from the unclear choice of the voter.”

Musa however assured that INEC would take necessary steps to ensure that in the Governorsh­ip/state assembly election, the void votes are reduced drasticall­y.

“We have already started putting things in order, we will intensify engagement,” he disclosed.

The publicity head also said voter education at the polling units by the Presiding Officers and other officers would be enhanced, describing it as most important and more effective than the ones done in the villages.

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