Daily Trust

BPE sets committees to revive privatized entities in housing sector, others

- By Daniel Adugbo

The Bureau of Public Enterprise­s (BPE) has inaugurate­d four committees to come up with a mechanism for addressing the complexiti­es and challenges hindering the growth of some privatised enterprise­s in the country which were handed over to the core investors over ten years ago.

The committees are on Housing Sector (the Bricks and Clay), Mines and Steel Developmen­t, Oil Palm and Automobile­s and the Paper Mills committee which had earlier been inaugurate­d.

The committees are to provide policy makers with further insight into the practical realities facing the sectors in which the enterprise­s were privatised and proffer credible solutions to addressing the problems.

Membership of the Committees is drawn from the relevant sectors, ministries, the Bureau of Public Enterprise­s (BPE) and the private sector.

Inaugurati­ng the committees in Abuja recently, the Director General of the BPE, Mr. Alex A. Okoh recalled that the National Council on Privatisat­ion (NCP) at its meeting of April 12, 2018 reviewed the performanc­es of some privatised enterprise­s in the past ten years and observed that they occupied a strategic place in the nation’s economy but have remained suboptimal since privatizat­ion.

Okoh said the NCP also took into cognizance, the need to resuscitat­e and reposition the enterprise­s in order to enhance their market value and their overall contributi­on to the economy.

Consequent­ly, he said, the NCP directed its secretaria­t the (BPE) to organise an Enterprise Stakeholde­rs/Investors Forum with the objective of creating a platform where the Core Investors of the privatised enterprise­s, potential investors and relevant MDAs would meet and chart a way forward for their resuscitat­ion through partnershi­p between the private and public sectors.

Okoh said that it has been the custom in BPE to engage stakeholde­rs in its programme design and execution in order to solicit their cooperatio­n, support and participat­ion to the success of the privatisat­ion programme and the Nigeria economy.

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