Daily Trust

SARS operative in police net over extortion, torture

- From Eugene Agha Lagos

Apolice inspector attached to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) stationed at Ikorodu, Lagos has been arrested over allegation bothering on extortion and torture.

It was gathered that the policeman had allegedly led a team of Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) operatives to Royal Crown Hotel in Isolo on March 5 and whisked people away.

It was further gathered that one Emmanuel Adegbite, who was playing snooker at the time of the raid, was among those arrested and taken to SARS base at Ijede.

They allegedly tortured their victims for several hours at gunpoint and only stopped when Adegbite’s mother transferre­d N434,000 into an account provided by the officers.

The woman, it was alleged, also paid the operatives another N30,000 so they could release her son to her alive, bringing to a total of N464,000 the money given the operatives.

It was gathered that the woman made the transfer from her Access Bank to a Pagatech account number 3756479401.

This informatio­n which was shared on a group chat, attracted condemnati­on with participan­ts demanding the culprits be arrested and the money refunded to the woman.

On getting the informatio­n, the Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) in charge of Zone Two command, Lawal Shehu, was said to have ordered for the arrest.

Confirming the arrest of the team, AIG Shehu said the allegation was being investigat­ed and parties had been invited to the zonal headquarte­rs in Onikan, Lagos today (Friday).

He said: “Like you said it is an allegation. But we have already detained members of the team involved. The policeman whose picture was published is in custody now. Investigat­ion is ongoing. I am awaiting the parties to come tomorrow (Friday). We will get to the root of the matter.”

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