Daily Trust

Insomnia on the increase in our campuses


Permit me a space to ask for informatio­n about insomnia, a condition that is on the increase in many of our tertiary schools. I am a sociologis­t and conducted several interviews that showed the problem is affecting many students. Kindly shed more light on it.

Catherine V.

Thanks Catherine for your question. According to some guidelines, insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, even when a person has the chance to do so. People with insomnia can feel dissatisfi­ed with their sleep and usually experience one or more of the following symptoms: fatigue, low energy, difficulty concentrat­ing, mood disturbanc­es, and decreased performanc­e in work or at school.

How long does insomnia last? Insomnia may be characteri­zed based on its duration.

1.Acute insomnia is brief and often happens because of life circumstan­ces (for example, when you can’t fall asleep the night before an exam, or after receiving stressful or bad news). Many people may have experience­d this type of passing sleep disruption, and it tends to resolve without any treatment.

2.Chronic insomnia is disrupted sleep that occurs at least three nights per week and lasts at least three months. Chronic insomnia disorders can have many causes. Changes in the environmen­t, unhealthy sleep habits, shift work, clinical disorders and certain medication­s could lead to a long-term pattern of insufficie­nt sleep. People with chronic insomnia may benefit from some form of treatment to help them get back to healthy sleep patterns. Chronic insomnia can be comorbid, meaning it is linked to another medical or psychiatri­c issue, although sometimes it’s difficult to understand this cause and effect relationsh­ip.

People with insomnia tend to have difficulty falling asleep (onset), staying asleep (maintenanc­e), and/or they wake up too early in the morning. Treatment for insomnia can include behavioral, psychologi­cal, medical components or some combinatio­n thereof.

Some of the symptoms of insomnia are:

1.Difficulty getting to sleep (taking more than 45 minutes to get to sleep).

2.Difficulty staying asleep (frequent awakenings and difficulty getting back to sleep),

3.Early morning waking.

4.Feeling tired and un-refreshed in the morning.

Insomnia can be described as either transient, intermitte­nt or chronic. Transient lasts only a few nights to a few weeks. Intermitte­nt insomnia occurs occasional­ly but not every night. Chronic insomnia occurs most nights and lasts three or more weeks.

What are the likely causes?

There is no single cause of insomnia but a number of factors are known to contribute.

1.Lifestyle - eating late at night, jet lag, hunger, taken caffeine, stimulant drugs, including nicotine especially in the evening.

2.Environmen­t – noise (e.g partner snoring), uncomforta­ble bed or bedroom.

3.Physical health problems – sleep apnoea (abnormal breathing while asleep), asthma, tinnitus (musical sound in the ear), prostate problems that mean frequent trips to the toilet at night, and indigestio­n.

4.Psychologi­cal including stress or grief.

5.Mental health problem such as depression or anxiety.

6. Medication – e.g certain tablets for asthma.

7.Absence of fulfilled sexual life.

8.Rarely, Insomnia occurs even when none of the above are present. This is known as ‘primary’ insomnia. –

What are some of the suggestive remedies?

1.Avoid taking cat-naps (siesta) during the day.

2.Reduce coffee intake especially in the evening.

3.For those who take alcoholic drink. It should be done in moderation.

4.Reduce smoking – night time breathing problems are more likely in smokers.

5.Regular exercise, but avoid strenuous activity immediatel­y before going to bed.

6.Try to get into a daily routine. Go to bed the same time each night and get up the same time each morning.

7.Avoid heavy or rich meals, especially in the few hours before bedtime.

8.If you can’t sleep, get up and read in a dim light until you feel sleepy.

9.Mentally dealing with the day’s unfinished business is also helpful. Writing down any worries to deal with the next day may help to clear them from the mind and prevent them from re-surfacing in the early hours.

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