Daily Trust

Borno LG boss hires 200 hunters to fight Boko Haram


Worried by the increasing Boko Haram attacks on Gubio town and its environs, the Caretaker Chairman of Gubio Local Government Area of Borno State, Hon Zanna Modu has hired the services of 200 special hunters from some parts of Adamawa, Gombe and Katsina states to complement effort of the military and other security agencies.

Modu also said five patrol vehicles were also procured and would be handed over to the hunters who are to work hand in hand with the security agencies and members of the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF).

Gubio is about 100km drive and North from Maiduguri, the state capital which has been witnessing series of attacks and destructio­n of properties in the last one month.

Modu said, the measure to hire these special squad of hunters, who are to be deployed for three months, was to ensure peace and encourage fleeing residents return to their communitie­s.

Renewed attacks in the area by insurgents, which led to the abduction of one member of Civilian Joint Task Force and killing of one of its Commanders, have rendered hundreds displaced, with some taking refuge in Maiduguri Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp.

"Apart from other logistics, Governor Professor Babagana Umara Zulum has given approval for procuremen­t of five new patrol vehicles. As it is, we have procured additional five new Hilux patrol vehicles which are to be handed over to these hunters any moment from now."

The Caretaker Chairman however declined to give further details on the amount to be spent on the three months term of agreement, but said, the Council will utilize all the necessary resources at its disposal for security operatives to ensure safety of lives and property.

 ??  ?? Hon. Zanna Modu (left) with leaders of the hunters
Hon. Zanna Modu (left) with leaders of the hunters

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