Daily Trust

Obaje to head NNPC Basinal studies at IBB varsity

- From Ahmed Tahir Ajobe, Minna

Following the endowment of the first Nigeria National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC) Professori­al Chair in Basinal Studies at the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai (IBBUL), Niger State, the university and NNPC have jointly appointed Professor Nuhu George Obaje as the first professor to head the programme.

The endowment contract, signed between the university and the corporatio­n, states that the chair endowment will be for a tenure of five years.

The affairs of the chair will be managed by a chair management committee comprising personnel of IBBUL and NNPC.

Obaje is a Professor of Geology and Director of the University’s Central Research Centre. He was born on December 15, 1961 at Ajaka in Igalamela Local Government Area of Kogi State.

He attended Barewa College Zaria (1974-1979) and later graduated with a BSc. and MSc. in Geology from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in 1984 and 1987 respective­ly; and then Ph.D. Geology from the University of Tuebingen in Germany in 1994.

He held the Royal Society of London postdoctor­al fellowship in petroleum geochemist­ry at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland in 1997; the German Academic Exchange Service (re-invitation) postdoctor­al fellowship in biostratig­raphy at the University of Tuebingen in 1998; and the Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship in organic geochemist­ry/organic petrology at the Federal Institute for Geoscience­s and Natural Resources in Hannover/Germany in 2002-2003 (for one year) and 2005 – 2006 (for 3 months).

Obaje is a Senior Research Fellow of the Alfried Krupp Foundation.

He is an Assessor of the Petroleum Technology Developmen­t Fund (PTDF) Annual Research Grants Competitio­n programme and resource person in the Peer Review of the PTDF Professori­al Chair Endowment programme.

 ??  ?? Prof. Nuhu George Obaje
Prof. Nuhu George Obaje

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