Daily Trust

Insurgents attack Gubio town 10 times in 2 months

- From Olatunji Omirin, Maiduguri

The residents of Gubio local government area Borno State have expressed concerns over incessant attacks in the last two months, saying Boko Haram insurgents have attacked 10 times.

Daily Trust learnt that the group had continued their rampage since August 11 after the military relocated 5 Brigade of Nigeria Army to Damasak town, 70 kilometres away to re-strategise insurgents.

A fleeing resident, Modu Masta, who is currently in Gubio Ido camp, lamented the inability of government to protect them.

Masta said they had cultivated their farms but they could not harvest their crops due to frequent attacks on Gubio.

Vigilante Kormi Abba, who had fought several times enable troops against the against insurgent, disclosed that state government had engaged about 1000 vigilantes and civilian JTF to support efforts of the troops against insurgent groups but needed to be done.

When contacted, the Caretaker Chairman Gubio local government, Zanna Modu Gubio, confirmed the series of attacks in the recent months on Gubio town, saying troops were working hard to end the activities of insurgents in the area.

Gubio appealed to the residents to give timely informatio­n that could assist the troops in the course of their operations in the general area.

It would be recalled that Governor Babagana Zullum had earlier said during his visit last August that since Gubio town was strategic, the government and military would do everything possible to protect the civilians.

 ??  ?? Gov. Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State addresses residents of Gaidam Town during a townhall meeting at the town in Yobe State yesterday
Gov. Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State addresses residents of Gaidam Town during a townhall meeting at the town in Yobe State yesterday

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