Daily Trust

Buni wants Air Force base, school establishe­d in Yobe ...as CAS lauds state airport project

- From Ibrahim Baba Saleh, Damaturu

Yobe State Governor Mai Mala Buni has asked the Nigerian Air Force to establish a base in the state to strengthen its fight against Boko Haram nsurgency and enhance internal security.

The governor also wants the NAF to establish a command secondary school "to enable our people benefit from the numerous services that such schools render".

"I believe it would be faster and easier for the Air Force to take out Boko Haram bases and hideouts and strengthen our internal security system if we have an Air Force Base in place", he said.

The governor spoke in Damaturu yesterday when the Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Baba Abubakar, paid him a courtesy visit at the Government House.

Buni commended the Air Force, the Army and other security agencies for their hard work, saying Yobe and the rest of the country are now a lot safer because of their services.

"The Nigerian Air Force plays a very important role in the fight against the Boko Haram insurgency. The men and women of the Nigerian Air Force are patriots who continue to do our country proud by undertakin­g those aerial campaigns to take out terrorist and insurgent camps. We are a lot safer today in Yobe State and the rest of the country because of the services of the Air Force and other branches of our military and para-military forces", he said.

He said to restore peace and security, his administra­tion would continue to make every effort and every sacrifice necessary.

"As you continue the effort to defeat the Boko Haram insurgents, therefore, let me assure you that we would continue to strengthen the synergy, collaborat­ion and exchange of informatio­n that are the hallmarks of our relationsh­ip with the Air Force and other security agencies.

“Let me assure you also that no sacrifice is too much to support and cooperate with the security agencies to help you to maintain law and order and ensure the security of life and property of our people", he said.

Buni urged officers and men of the Air Force to continue to develop strategies for effective intelligen­ce gathering and aerial surveillan­ce of the "vulnerable areas" of the state in order to wipe out criminal activities.

The Chief of Air Staff assured the governor that the NAF would continue to do "everything humanly possible" to secure the northeast.

 ??  ?? From 2nd right: Chief of
Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar; Gov. Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State; Deputy Governor Idi Barde Gubana; and State Assembly Speaker, Ahmad Lawan Mirwa, during an inspection visit of the Yobe Internatio­nal
Cargo Airport in Damaturu yesterday.
From 2nd right: Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar; Gov. Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State; Deputy Governor Idi Barde Gubana; and State Assembly Speaker, Ahmad Lawan Mirwa, during an inspection visit of the Yobe Internatio­nal Cargo Airport in Damaturu yesterday.

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