Daily Trust

Oloibiri indigenes commend FG on planned oil, gas museum

- From Bassey Willie, Yenagoa

Indigenes of Oloibiri, a community in Bayelsa state where crude oil drilling started in Nigeria in 1958, have commended the federal government over its decision to commence work on Oloibiri museum and the Oil and Gas Research centre

Speaking to journalist­s in Yenagoa yesterday, on behalf of the community, the Managing Director of Oloibiri Oil and Gas Services Limited, Mr Epereola Amangala, lauded President Mohammadu Buhari for approving N35 billion for the museum project.

He also commended the Senate for directing the Petroleum Technology Developmen­t Fund, (PTDF), and the concerned contractor­s to mobilize to the site to commence the immediate constructi­on of the Oil and Gas Research Centre and Museum (OGRCM) in the community.

Mr Amangala, added that with the Senate’s current stand on the project the people of Oloibiri, who felt were long abandoned, have now heaved a sigh of relief and expecting a turn around on the hitherto crude oil ravaged land.

He said: “Oloibiri Oil and Gas Museum is a project the people of Oloibiri community and other communitie­s, where oil was first struck and oil exploratio­n severely affected over the years, have been waiting for.

“This developmen­t has rekindled our hope that 63 years after oil was struck, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. The people have been patiently living in penury and in darkness. The dream of a museum is now in the offing, we thank God for this.”

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