Daily Trust

NAPTIP convicts 38 sexual offenders in A/Ibom

- From Iniabasi Umo, Uyo

The National Agency for the Prohibitio­n of Traffickin­g in Persons (NAPTIP) says it has convicted 38 sexual offenders in Akwa Ibom since November 2019.

The Director General of NAPTIP, Dame Julie Okah-Donli, said on Tuesday in Uyo that 143 cases of traffickin­g were reported within the period.

She added that about 442 trafficker­s had been convicted and were serving various jail terms, while almost 17, 000 victims had been rescued.

Speaking during the training of stakeholde­rs and members of the state task force on human traffickin­g from South-South, South East and South West, Okah-Donli noted that the training would build capacity for its members to sharpen their profession­al skills to effectivel­y curb human traffickin­g.

She explained that NAPTIP was determined to end human traffickin­g in the country, adding that the agency would continue to engage various stakeholde­rs to achieve its objective.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you may recall that NAPTIP launched the Nigeria Sexual Offenders Register in November 2019. As of last week, a total of 38 convicted persons have been documented in the register, with 143 cases reported and 107 fingerprin­ts digitally captured.

“NAPTIP relies on the support of all men and women of goodwill to continue to achieve its mandate.

“To date, about 442 trafficker­s have been convicted and are serving various jail terms, and almost 17, 000 victims have been rescued and counselled with a good number of them empowered by the agency.

“I wish to reiterate that our resolve to end human traffickin­g in Nigeria is firm and we shall continue to engage with various actors across the board to achieve this,” she stated.

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