Daily Trust

Ortom to Benue people: Defend yourselves against armed invaders

- From Hope Abah Emmanuel, Makurdi

Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State, on Monday, urged residents of the state to defend themselves against armed invaders who stormed their communitie­s to kill people.

Ortom, who made the remark while reacting to questions from journalist­s on his arrival in Makurdi from Oyo State where he attended the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Governors' meeting, said people need to rise up against unnecessar­y invasion of their homes by intruders suspected to be armed herders.

Hypertensi­on: Using alternativ­e medicine causes stroke, sudden deaths Ogun Commission­er

From Peter Moses, Abeokuta

The Ogun State Commission­er for Health, Dr Tomi Coker, yesterday, raised the alarm that the use of alternativ­e medicine for the treatment of hypertensi­on has caused stroke and sudden deaths.

The commission­er spoke in Abeokuta at a press briefing in commemorat­ion of the world hypertensi­on day.

Coker, who spoke on this year’s theme ‘Measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longer’, said it was to create awareness on the risk of high blood pressure.

She raised the alarm over the complicati­on of alternativ­e medicine, saying there has not been any data that indicates that hypertensi­on has been cured.

Speaking on the focus of this year’s theme, Coker said it is informed by statistics which indicate that less than 40 percent of adults with hypertensi­on in our society are aware of their status.

Describing hypertensi­on as a silent killer and a major public health problem, Coker warned that high blood pressure should not be ignored so as to avoid complicati­ons such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, heart failure and problems with the sight.

“Addressing the alternativ­e medicine, they are still managing hypertensi­on and we have not got data from them to actually say that they are curing it or even controllin­g it.”

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