Daily Trust

Gen Dongonyaro: Exit of my hero


It was General Douglas McArthur (The American God of War) who while addressing the American Congress after President Harry Truman withdrew him from the Korean campaign remarked that: “A general does not die but only fades away.”

For those of us curious of contempora­ry historical developmen­ts around us and junkies of media and informatio­n, Gen Joshua Dogonyaro was a colossus that heralded the emergence of Gen Ibrahim Babangida’s regime.

Sir, we met for the first time and the last time some years ago when I visited Gen Babangida and you were also there visiting.

You were already seated in the middle of a nostalgic conversati­on when I walked in. After exchanging greetings and a tendered banter, the general looked at me and asked whether I knew the person seated? I politely retorted with a protest smile and replied, “Haba sir, even the gods will be unforgivin­g of my ignorance of the legendary Gen Dogonyaro.”

Suffice it to confess that the inevitable moment every mortal dreads has come your way.

In words of President Muhammadu Buhari, you were a thorough-bred military officer, but I wish to go further than that. Let me say this, you had in abundance the sterling qualities that define profession­alism and the strength of character of a true soldier. Your military exploits in Liberia have made you a folk hero.

Therefore, in the context of true soldiering rather than military careerist opportunis­m, you were the subduing vantage mirror of battlefiel­d perfection. Your legendary battlefiel­d exploits like those of the remaining few of you now reunited with you in death: Gen Victor Malu, Gen Timothy Shelpidi, Gen Musa Bamayi and Gen Maxwell Kobe, were reminiscen­t of masters of artistry of soldiering and battlefiel­d leadership.

Albeit you lived to be 80, the truth is that your likes usually come around once in a century to defeat evil and depart honourably. At this juncture, I make bold to say that yourself and the Bamaiyis, the Malus, the Kobes and the Shelpidis of the glorious era of the Nigerian Army were not the seminar paper generals.

Gen Dogonyaro, your story will remain an indelible epitaph on the sands of time. Your legendary military exploits and patriotism will continue to inspire many generation­s of military men and women.

I must admit that I hate to stop here, but I must, but before I do just that, revealed that far ahead of me, I can see Generals Malu, Shelpidi, Bamayi and Kobe all smiling and congregati­ng to welcome you home after a meritoriou­s service to humanity. Absolutely, you have gone home to rest in the bosom of your Lord, this is how we will remember you, that is how we will honour your legacy, that is what you would have hoped for.

Rest in peace, Gen Dogonyaro, the god of men and not the god of the irritating legion of cowards.

Prof Shehu Abdullahi Zuru, Abuja

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