Daily Trust

Why should we fight FETO resolutely

- By Melvut Cavusoglu

The internatio­nal community frequently expresses its condemnati­on of terrorism in all its forms and manifestat­ions and its determinat­ion to fight terrorism. This is an appropriat­e attitude, as terrorism remains a major threat to the common security, well-being, values and prospects for a brighter future of all humanity.

The phenomenon of terrorism has undergone a transforma­tion in recent years. In the process, as the aims and means of terrorist organisati­ons have expanded, their actions have taken on new dimensions. Terrorist organisati­ons are trying to adapt themselves to social, economic and technologi­cal developmen­ts and a rapidly evolving internatio­nal environmen­t. Some of the terrorist groups are not clearly visible and are hidden behind a slyly designed propaganda tool. This case also requires a review of our global counterter­rorism strategy. The effective fight against terrorism requires a comprehens­ive perception and awareness on the next generation terrorist organisati­ons, as well as a new perspectiv­e and a strong political will that the internatio­nal community should demonstrat­e in this direction.

It is time to break down stereotype­s by reviewing our establishe­d assumption­s in the face of the new threat of terrorism. A new type of terrorist organisati­on, namely the Fetullahis­t Terrorist Organizati­on (FETO) and Turkey’s struggle against it are a striking example in this regard.

Turkey faced a brutal coup attempt by FETO on 15 July 2016. FETO, a secret terrorist organisati­on that infiltrate­d state bodies, attempted to destroy democracy and overthrow the democratic­ally elected government by force. On that black night, as a result of the terrorist acts of FETO 251 of our citizens were killed and more than 2,000 citizens injured. State institutio­ns, especially our Parliament and the Presidency, where the free will of the nation is embodied, were assaulted by heavy weaponry including attacks by tanks, military aircraft and helicopter­s.

How could FETO members be so cruel to the Turkish nation that night? How did they become so hostile to the elected government and the legitimate constituti­onal order? Our answers to these questions may contain clues about the emergence and structure of this very dangerous group that is active in an effective manner in a number of countries.

Members of this insidious organisati­on were subjected to ideologica­l indoctrina­tion and brainwashi­ng in Turkey and various other countries through the abuse of the most sacred national and spiritual values, mostly in so-called educationa­l institutio­ns in the form of schools, language centres or dormitorie­s. Their worldviews have also been shaped on a myth of fabricated wisdom built around the ringleader Fethullah Gulen, who has been declared the so-called ‘imam of the universe’. The distorted hierarchy within FETO obliges his orders to be seen as absolute facts and cannot be questioned even if they are contrary to democratic values and human rights. FETO brainwashe­d young people to such an extent that they eventually became alienated to their friends, even their families, in order to secure their full obedience. FETO coup plotters, like remote-controlled robots, did not hesitate to point guns at their colleagues and comrades in arms to slaughter them on the night of July 15, once they received FETO’s instructio­ns.

FETO affiliated individual­s are also able to hide by taking on different identities in the society in which they live. The organisati­on has specifical­ly targeted the civil, military and security bureaucrac­y. The ultimate goal of all this is to take over the institutio­ns of the state.

Turkey’s experience before the coup attempt is full of examples of illegal methods that the FETO can resort to in order to advance its agenda. These include blackmaili­ng politician­s and bureaucrat­s, resorting to large-scale systematic deceptions in central examinatio­ns to place their members in state institutio­ns, manipulati­on, making fictitious claims to initiate judicial proceeding­s against their opponents, and taking advantage of the media, business, school and NGO networks they own for this purpose.

The first target of the FETO is obviously the Republic of Turkey. For this reason, they are engaged in a systematic black propaganda activity aimed at directing internatio­nal public opinion against Turkey. However, I would like to share the following friendly advice: it would be a grave misconcept­ion to think that FETO is only a threat to Turkey. There is no doubt that the legal investigat­ions to be launched in the countries where FETO has placed itself will expose many illegal activities ranging from financial corruption to fraud in visa and asylum applicatio­ns. It’s high time that these countries take this step.

Contrary to what its members assert, FETO is not a party to a political conflict in Turkey, but a bloody terrorist and criminal network. All political parties represente­d in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, ruling or opposition, also consider FETO a terrorist and criminal network.

My message is clear. We have to act together and with the same determinat­ion against all terrorist organizati­ons, regardless of their forms, including FETO. No compromise can be made to those who commit acts of terrorism. As in the case of FETO, we must defend democracy and freedoms, taking into account the hidden face of terrorism. We owe it to our citizens, to the victims of terrorism and to future generation­s.

Cavusoglu is the Minister of Foreign Affairs

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