Daily Trust

Gunmen kill 3 in Benue, photograph­er in Niger

- From Hope Abah, Makurdi & Abubakar Akote, Minna

Gunmen have killed three people in Tse Achigbe community of Mbadura Council Ward, Turan in Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State.

Residents of the area said the incident happened on Monday as armed invaders who shot and killed the three men prevented the villagers from recovering the corpses for burial.

A resident of the area who preferred anonymity cried out to security operatives for help, saying that they (villagers) had been unable to go and retrieve the corpses of their murdered brothers in the bush.

He said the bodies will already be decomposin­g in the bush by the riverside as all efforts by the community to pick up the corpses for burial have so far proved abortive since their killers were lurking around to cause harm to anyone who comes near them.

Council chairman of Kwande LGA, Rev. Fr Teryila Mark Hule, confirmed to our correspond­ent on telephone that the three persons were killed by armed invaders on Monday.

He named them as Ayangealum­un Tyongbea, Terkimbir Tyoyue and his son, Terfa Tyoyue.

Spokespers­on of Benue Police Command, SP Catherine Anene, had yet to respond to calls and texts put through her telephone for comments on the incident.

Meanwhile, unknown assassins have killed a freelance photograph­er in Niger State.

Zacheus Salawadeen, 33, and father of 3 kids, was killed in the early hours of Tuesday at his residence in Tundun Fulani Area of Minna, the state capital.

Residents told Daily Trust that the killers invaded flat where the deceased resided with his family and stabbed him to death.

One of the sources said other tenants in the house were locked in by the killers before breaking into the deceased’s flat.

The attackers were said to have carted away the deceased’s valuables including his laptop and camera.


contacted, the Niger State Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, DSP Wasiu Abiodun, confirmed the incident to our correspond­ent.

He said the incident was reported to the Bosso division yesterday.

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