Daily Trust

Gov Alia sets up 2 judicial commission­s to probe Ortom’s administra­tion

- From Hope Abah, Makurdi

Governor Hyacinth Alia of Benue State has instituted two separate judicial commission­s of inquiry to probe the management of the state’s resources and assets under his predecesso­r, Samuel Ortom’s administra­tion.

Alia charged the two commission­s of inquiry, which he inaugurate­d on Monday night, to scrutinize the former administra­tion between 2015 and 2023.

He urged the two panels—the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Income and Expenditur­e of Benue State Government (from May 29, 2015, to May 28, 2023) and the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Sale/Lease of Government Assets, Companies and Markets (both state and local government-owned markets), as well as Moribund Companies (from or before May 28, 2015, to May 28, 2023)—to do a thorough job.

The governor explained that the setting up of the two commission­s of inquiry to look into the activities of the outgone administra­tion has become necessary in response to the desire of the people of the

state, who are the major stakeholde­rs and owners of the resources.

In their separate responses, the Chairman of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the Income and Expenditur­e of the Benue State Government 2015-2023, Justice Taiwo Taiwo (rtd), assured that they would do a thorough job within the space of time available to them in line with their terms of reference.

Also, the Chairman of the Judicial Commission on Sale/Lease of Government

Assets, Companies, and Markets, Justice Apollos Paul Idi (rtd), expressed readiness to work in line with the terms of reference given to them and come up with recommenda­tions that would help the government move the state forward.

The Commission of Inquiry on the Income and Expenditur­e of Government Funds from May 2015 to May 2023 has Chief John Ochoga, Henry Tor, Tom Ujah, Ode Igbade Nick, Iorpenda Tarnguhar, and Terfa Gbande as members, while Barr.

Ajinge Sar and Dr. Abraham Gberindyer are to serve as government counsel and secretary, respective­ly.

The Commission of Inquiry on the Sale of Assets, Companies and Markets from 2015 to 2023 has Clement Nenge Beetse, John Ogah, Dr. Terungwa Adzende, and Hon. Abraham Atotse as members, while Victor Nyamtamen (Esq.) and John Edigbo serve as government council and secretary, respective­ly.

Meanwhile, Ortom has said he welcomed the inaugurati­on of the two judicial commission­s by his successor to probe the activities of his administra­tion between 2015 and 2023.

The former governor, through his media aide, Terver Akase, on Tuesday expressed willingnes­s to cooperate with the probe panels as long as the investigat­ion is carried out in line with the law.

Ortom stressed that his administra­tion was built on transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, and good governance as he emphasized his readiness to provide any informatio­n or clarificat­ion as may be required, urging his former appointees to equally make themselves available whenever called upon to provide clarificat­ions.

 ?? ?? „ Ortom
„ Ortom
 ?? ?? Gov. Alia
Gov. Alia

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