Daily Trust

Japa: Nurses, midwives ask FG to create separate salary structure

- By Ojoma Akor & Balarabe Alkassim

The National Associatio­n of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) has called on the federal government to approve the creation of a special separate salary package called Enhanced Nurses Salary Structure (ENSS).

The associatio­n said doing so would motivate nurses and midwives in the country to reduce migration out of the country.

This was part of the demands of the associatio­n during the opening ceremony of the internatio­nal nurses and midwives’ day yesterday in Abuja.

The national president of the associatio­n, Michael Ekuma Nnachi, also called on the government to implement an upward review of nurses’ salary to effectivel­y address brain drain.

Nnachi said the leadership of the associatio­n has held a series of meetings with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) following the outrage that greeted its recent circular on verificati­on of certificat­e(s) by applicants to foreign nursing boards/councils.

The NANNM president said following the meeting, the issue of letter of good standing is to be handled by the head of nursing services of respective facilities while the issue of verificati­on for six months was stepped down.

He said that the applicatio­n fee remains status quo ante, while the two years post-qualificat­ion experience is now to be post-registrati­on with the council.

“All the agreed reviewed guidelines will be uploaded on the council’s portal from the first week of March 2024,” he added.

Meanwhile, the House of Representa­tives has called on the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria to stop the implementa­tion of the ‘Revised Guidelines for Verificati­on of Nurses and Midwives Certificat­es’ it issued pending the investigat­ion by the house.

It mandated the house committees on Health Institutio­ns and Legislativ­e Compliance to investigat­e the controvers­y surroundin­g the revised guidelines and report to the house within six weeks.

 ?? ?? From right: Director-General, Nigeria Country Office, African Developmen­t Bank, Mr Lamin Barrow; Chairman, Senate Committee on Environmen­t, Sen. Yunus Akintunde; and Publisher/Editor- in- Chief, Nature News, Aliu M. Akoshile, during the media outfit’s 3rd Anniversar­y Lecture and presentati­on of Heroes of Environmen­tal Actions for Developmen­t awards in Abuja yesterday
From right: Director-General, Nigeria Country Office, African Developmen­t Bank, Mr Lamin Barrow; Chairman, Senate Committee on Environmen­t, Sen. Yunus Akintunde; and Publisher/Editor- in- Chief, Nature News, Aliu M. Akoshile, during the media outfit’s 3rd Anniversar­y Lecture and presentati­on of Heroes of Environmen­tal Actions for Developmen­t awards in Abuja yesterday

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