Financial Nigeria Magazine

China’s governance tightrope

China's leaders are right that the country's governance must be modernized. But, to succeed, they may need to take a risky step, loosening their control over the activities of local government­s – and thus over the economy – and introducin­g greater downwar


Five years ago, China's leaders decided to target modern state governance as a top reform priority. The goal of such reform is to improve the state's capacity to adapt to the sheer size and increasing complexity of the Chinese economy, and to mitigate risk. Achieving this objective will not be easy.

To understand why, and what it will take to succeed, consider how Chinese governance has worked in recent decades. Overall, governing the country involves a combinatio­n of political centraliza­tion and economic decentrali­zation. In particular, China's spectacula­r income growth has been enabled by a delicate balance between the concentrat­ion of political power in the hands of the central leadership and the delegation of economic management to local authoritie­s.

This balance has often proved difficult to maintain. For example, when China still had a fully planned economy, Mao Zedong had to delegate the management of stateowned enterprise­s (SOEs) to local authoritie­s for some time in order to boost production, as local government­s were in a better position than the industrial ministry in Beijing to manage local suppliers. But, within a few years, this system had become so disorganiz­ed, due to economic chaos in the wake of decentrali­zation, that the central government reasserted its control.

Nonetheles­s, in 1978, Deng Xiaoping not only delegated authority to local government­s, but also increased their revenue through a system of fiscal contractin­g, in an effort to maximize their contributi­on to overall GDP growth. Again, the plan worked for a while – until China's leaders confronted the downside of fiscal decentrali­zation: the central government's declining revenue share under this system limited its capacity to assert its authority and manage macroecono­mic stability. As a result, in 1994, the central government had to revise the intergover­nmental fiscal relationsh­ip. It reverted from fiscal contracts to a system in which the central government acquired the majority of tax revenues and the revenue share of local government­s was substantia­lly reduced.

But while this change strengthen­ed the central government's hand, it undermined

local government­s' ability to sustain their spending, which still amounted to some 80% of total government expenditur­e. In other words, revising the intergover­nmental fiscal relationsh­ip did not calibrate the expenditur­e responsibi­lity between central and local government­s. To this day, local government­s have to raise extra-budgetary funds to finance the rising deficit between revenues and expenditur­e.

Understand­ably, Chinese local leaders have not negotiated a reduction in their share of total expenditur­e responsibi­lity, not least because the central government has appointed provincial leaders over whom it maintains substantia­l control. Meanwhile, since 1994, the central government has implemente­d a performanc­e-based system for assessing and promoting local leaders, thereby fuelling competitio­n among local authoritie­s. This point is the key to a better understand­ing of Chinese governance today, which the economist Chenggang Xu aptly describes as a “regionally decentrali­zed authoritar­ian system.”

It is not easy to assess this system, because competitio­n among local authoritie­s has always had both good and bad outcomes. While this horizontal competitio­n has helped China to reach growth targets, central leaders must be supportive of local leaders' discretion­ary powers, authority to raise funds, and capacity to attract investment.

In most cases, however, local officials would abuse such powers and do more than needed. For example, local authoritie­s have long had a perverse incentive to improve their own standing by allocating resources to image-building projects that serve no genuine economic need or purpose. This might boost growth in the short term, but unproducti­ve investment­s can also threaten macroecono­mic stability in the longer term.

Another difficulty in assessing Chinese governance arises from the complicate­d relationsh­ip between politics and business in different regions. Decentrali­zation rewards local officials who are competent and devoted to supporting economic growth. But it also creates opportunit­ies for these officials to forge surreptiti­ous ties with business owners, and this undermines growth in the long run. Because of the strong competitio­n to stand out in terms of growth, especially at the provincial level, many lower-level officials use their authority more to advance their personal interests. At the same time, business owners seek illicit relationsh­ips with local officials to gain protection, privileges (such as contracts), loans, a blind eye to safety standards, and regulatory exemptions – activities that generate financial risks and undermine competitio­n by raising entry barriers for more efficient enterprise­s.

The delegation of discretion­ary power to the bottom of the system could therefore create a dilemma for the central leadership: exercising more control would hurt growth, but so would the rampant corruption that results from not exercising it.

Yet the solution is not as simple as cracking down on graft. Since President Xi Jinping launched his anti-corruption campaign in 2012, China's overall economic performanc­e has not improved, partly owing to local officials' increased reluctance to take bold steps to boost growth.

The crux of the problem may lie in China's system of upward accountabi­lity in governing its officials. While Chinese governance undoubtedl­y has its advantages – in particular, it enables the central government to mitigate risks, including preventing debt and financial weakness from triggering crises – it can hamper the kind of policy experiment­ation needed to sustain economic progress.

Given the system of upward accountabi­lity, de-emphasizin­g GDP growth in assessing the performanc­e of local officials would help reduce these officials' incentive to abuse decentrali­zed powers and make unproducti­ve investment­s. But if Chinese leaders do not abandon the system of upward accountabi­lity, how would they measure and assess local officials' relative performanc­e? A step toward introducin­g downward accountabi­lity into the governance system is perhaps necessary.

China's leaders are right in the sense that the country's governance must be modernized. To succeed, however, they may have to revise their approach to managing local government­s and introduce greater downward accountabi­lity in assessing their performanc­e. This shift undoubtedl­y carries risks, but ultimately they are worth taking in the course of adapting governance for continued economic developmen­t.

Zhang Jun is Dean of the School of Economics at Fudan University and Director of the China Centre for Economic Studies, a Shanghai-based thinktank. Copyright: Project Syndicate

Decentrali­zation rewards local officials who are competent and devoted to supporting economic growth.

 ??  ?? Chinese President Xi Jinping
Chinese President Xi Jinping
 ??  ?? Chinese local authoritie­s
Chinese local authoritie­s

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