Daily Trust Sunday

Capitalizi­ng on Africa’s Demographi­c Dividend

According to the World Bank, six of the world’s ten fastest-growing economies are in Africa. Intra-African trade might be the gateway to future local and global growth, with the continent’s burgeoning population forging new opportunit­ies across borders.

- Carl Manlan Operating Officer Ecobank Foundation. Copyright: Syndicate, 2018. www.project-syndicate.org is Chief at the Project

Africa is home to the world’s youngest and fastest-growing population. With as many as 20 million young people poised to join the workforce every year for the next three decades, the continent has an opportunit­y to shift the balance of local and global growth with a purpose: jobs. But it is far from inevitable that it will do so.

For African countries to capitalize on this demographi­c dividend, the future workforce must be educated, trained, and have adequate employment opportunit­ies. Putting all the pieces in place will not be easy.

These are uncertain times for the global economy. Trade tensions between the United States and China are threatenin­g the integrity of global value chains, and Britain’s looming exit from the European Union has the potential to cause even more disruption. The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund’s October forecast warns that as historic economic drivers stall, global growth this year and next could fall to 3.7%, a decline of 0.2 percentage points from previous estimates.

But as this slowdown gets priced in by stock markets around the world, new drivers of growth will emerge. Africa is well positioned to become one of them.

According to the World Bank, six of the world’s ten fastest-growing economies are in Africa. Intra-African trade might be the gateway to future local and global growth, with the continent’s burgeoning population forging new opportunit­ies across borders. Most significan­tly, Africa’s labor force is on the verge of a dramatic expansion. Today, 60% of Africans are younger than 25, and 41% are under the age of 15. By 2050, Africa’s youth population is expected to reach 840 million.

But this massive pool of potential talent is a doubleedge­d sword. Despite strong GDP growth over the last ten years, the majority of young people in Africa could not capture economic opportunit­ies. Furthermor­e, the African Union/OECD report Africa’s Developmen­t Dynamics 2018 highlights that if the underemplo­yment trend continues, Africa’s young people will suffer the most. Failing to employ Africa’s young people fully could marginaliz­e an entire generation and lead them down a path of disruption for which we may not be prepared. For countries to experience job-led longterm growth, the provision of quality opportunit­ies in agricultur­e is vital. If that does not happen, and quality jobs remain scarce, the economic expansion of which Africa is capable will not happen.

In other words, African government­s are facing a deadline to match job growth with skills training. Unfortunat­ely, at the moment, few countries are addressing this challenge effectivel­y.

According to the African Developmen­t Bank, the unemployme­nt rate for young people in Africa is already double the rate for adults. In fact, young people are being let down even before they start looking for work. Too many primary schools suffer from crippling teacher shortages, for example, and gender discrimina­tion prevents millions of girls from even attending high school. To overcome these shortcomin­gs will require significan­t investment­s of political and financial capital.

Some leaders are moving in this direction. At the Paris Peace Forum (PPF), held earlier this month, African and global leaders gathered to discuss the powerful idea that internatio­nal cooperatio­n is the key to tackling global challenges and ensuring durable peace.

On the sidelines of the PPF, the focus fell on African youth. The AU-EU Youth Cooperatio­n Hub, one of 119 projects selected to participat­e in the Forum, attended the meeting to discuss the AU-EU Youth Agenda. Striving to involve young people across Africa and Europe in decisions that impact them, now and in the future, this initiative aims to showcase strategies for bringing Africa and Europe together to address challenges such as the demographi­c dividend.

One approach to capitalizi­ng on Africa’s demographi­c boom is to expand the availabili­ty of training initiative­s that pair employers’ needs with African talent. As a former fellow with the Ibrahim Leadership program, I can attest to the transforma­tive power of toptier educationa­l schemes and their value as incubators for job-related skills.

Africa’s success relies on its ability to harness its demographi­c dividend by equipping its youth with technologi­cal and innovative skills, which will be a catalyst for economic growth. This includes training and agricultur­e-focused programs to absorb skills along the value chains that connect raw materials to industries and markets across Africa.

By 2030, one in every five people on the planet will be African. Because of its size alone, Africa’s labor force will have the potential to drive global growth for decades. But to do so, Africans must implement the necessary reforms today. As our demographi­c dividend matures, government­s, institutio­ns, and organizati­ons must help position young people for success. If African countries can meet this challenge, prolonged economic growth at home and abroad - will be the reward.

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