SweetCrude Weekly Edition

Lokpobiri tasks DHQ on security for increased oil production


Port Harcourt -- The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Oil), Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, has tasked the Defence Headquarte­rs, DHQ, on reducing economic sabotage by protecting oil and gas facilities, in order to ramp up Nigeria's oil production.

The minister, who was speaking when he received the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christophe­r Gwabin Musa, at the Ministry of Petroleum, pledged to give the Defence Headquarte­rs all necessary support to protect critical oil facilities to improve oil production.

Lokpobiri emphasised the need to tackle illegal oil bunkering and vandalism in the Niger Delta region, while offering to collaborat­e more with the DHQ to reduce economic sabotage, lamenting that the menace was affecting the nation’s economy.

He said: "Our ongoing efforts to ramp up production must be complement­e d with adequate security of our oil facility installati­ons. This was the focus of my meeting with the Chief of Defence Staff, General C.G Musa and his team, during which I emphasized the urgent need to tackle illegal bunkering and oil facility vandalism in the Niger Delta region.

"Recognisin­g the important role of oil and gas investment­s in our economy, I called upon General Musa to leverage his extensive experience and knowledge of the creeks to address these challenges effectivel­y because protecting these vital assets is paramount to ensuring our economic stability.

"I am confident in General Musa's ability to coordinate strategic measures and techniques to combat these threats and safeguard our nation's prosperity, complement­ary to our efforts to securing our oil and gas infrastruc­ture for the benefit of all Nigerians."

Earlier, the Chief of Defence Staff, General Gwabin Musa, pledged the DHQ's continuous partnershi­p with the ministry in order to address the issues of oil theft, pipeline vandalism, illegal refineries and other economic sabotage perpetuate­d by criminal elements.

Musa said the armed forces of Nigeria will support the Petroleum Ministry to ensure Nigeria maximised the profit from its natural resources, assuring the minister that Defence Headquarte­rs would provide maximum security to oil facilities in the country.

 ?? ?? Lokpobiri

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