TDPel Special Edition

How to load prepaid meter token unit, check meter balance, current usage, others

- By Pelumi Emmanuel

Your prepaid meter comes with your unique meter number written on your prepaid meter card. It is best you write out this number as the card is of low quality and the meter number will soon fade off. You will always need this meter number to load your prepaid meter. Think of it as your phone number that you are about to recharge. If you lose it or forget it, then you can no longer load your meter. Goodnews is your meter number will always be in every receipt every time you load your prepaid meter so you can always get it from there Before you can load your prepaid meter, ensure there is power supply in your area and in your meter as you cannot do anything with your prepaid meter without it being powered. Fix battery into your handheld prepaid meter controller that comes with your meter and wait for it to power on. Once it's on, it will show your current remaining credit. Note that it will only work if there is power, else it will be writing failed. Note that all the numbers you need to check every informatio­n on your prepaid meter will be written by the side or back of the meter controller. The guide below is for EDMI prepaid meter but the step is the same for all others.

Recharging, Prepaid Meter

To load your token unit, just start punching in the 20 digits number you got in your receipt, after which you press the enter button on the meter controller.

To check your current meter balance or available credit, punch 01 and press enter, wait a bit and it will dispplay your current credit in kw/h.

To check all the credits you have recharged on your prepaid meter since you got it, type 02 and press enter. Wait for response. What you see is all the credits you have purchased throughout the life time of your prepaid meter. In case you lose your prepaid meter card or can no longer see your prepaid meter number, you can check your meter number by punching 08 into your meter controller. You wait to see the complete number.

To see your supply group code, punch 09 into the meter controller. You may need your supply group code if asked by PHCN officials or if you have issues with your meter.

To view your tariff Index, punch 11 and press enter. Wait for the reponse. To see total number of days left for you to have electric power based on your last recharge and current usage, press 17 and press enter. The number may be more or less it just depends on how much power you are using.

To see the amount of power you are currently using, punch 36 into the meter controller. You can control the number by switching off some light bulbs and appliances.

To see the date you recharged your prepaid meter last, punch 65 and press enter. Wait for the response.

To see the last units you were given on your last recharge, type 67 and press enter. Wait for the input.

Prepaid Meter Balance Recharged Group Code Tarrif Index Estimated Days Left Current Usage Meter Number Token Recharge Date Recharge Value Last Recharged Total Last Token Reloading Credit Supplu Last Token Numbers

To see the last token digits you punched in when you last recharged, use the numbers 68 - 77

and wait for the response.

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