TDPel Special Edition

Pope Francis tells elderly priests: ‘Aging is a privilege’

- By Dorcas Funmi

Pope Francis visits the elderly priestresi­dents of Casa San Gaetano in Rome, June 17, 2016. / L'osservator­e

Romano. object of assistance, but also active protagonis­ts in their communitie­s. “You are the bearers of dreams, dreams full of memory and therefore very important for the younger generation­s precisely because your dreams are the root,” he wrote.“from you comes the sap to flourish in the Christian life and in ministry,” he commented.the 84-year-old pope, who underwent colon surgery in July, also said that communitie­s caring for sick and elderly priests are “well rooted in Jesus,” and closed his letter by asking for prayers.“please, pray for me who is a little old and a little, but not too much, sick!” he said. “May the Lord bless you and Our Lady keep you.”the Sept. 16 gathering of priests and bishops took place at the Basilica of Santa Maria del Fonte, a shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Caravaggio in the province of Bergamo, one of the areas in Italy worst affected by the first wave of the coronaviru­s pandemic in 2020.The Shrine of Our Lady of Caravaggio was built on the site of a 15th-century Marian apparition.the Blessed Virgin Mary reportedly appeared to a young peasant girl, Giannetta Varoli, in a hay field outside the town of Caravaggio on May 26, 1432.In her message, the Virgin urged penance for sin, including fasting on Fridays. The apparition is also called Our Lady of the Fountain because a spring of water appeared under the stone where the Virgin stood, and on which she left an imprint of her feet.that same year, the first small shrine was built at the site. More than 100 years later, in 1575, St. Charles Borromeo, then the archbishop of Milan, hired an architect to begin the long process of expanding the shrine into what it looks like today.

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