The Guardian (Nigeria)

The Nigerian Macron: Can we make it happen?

Daniel Akinmade Emejulu Zuriel Oduwole

- @Daemejulu @Zurieloduw­ole

NIGERIA is inspired. You can feel the countdown to a day when our own version of Emmanuel Macron becomes president. The key question is: how long should we set our collective timer? We are two years away from the 2019 election, but possibly a world away from the set of realities that brought a 39year-old to the highest seat of political power. Nigerians may be wondering: “It could work in theory, but would it work in practice?” Perhaps we should instead start out by thinking: “It works in practice, but does it work in theory?” A joke often attributed to the French mentality, which would help us foster the subliminal acceptance of a young president – in the place where it matters most: national conscience. We know Nigeria has a catalogue of celebrated young leaders from the earlier chapters of her chronology; but what about today? And 2019? To build a bridge that enables the Macron possibilit­y in Nigeria, on both theoretica­l and practical fronts, our nation needs to look at negative trends we must reverse, and positive signals we should accelerate – with equal vigilance.

Negative trends

How would the following scenario be perceived in Nigeria: Macron acted as a close adviser of President Hollande for two years, enjoying cherished access to the President at the Élysée Palace. As a promotion, Hollande decided to appoint Macron as French

Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs. Exactly two years into serving in Hollande’s cabinet, Macron resigned from office in August 2016, having already set up a new political party (En Marche!) in April 2016 - while still a serving Minister! We know how the story ends. How “forward”? We should not feed a culture of misplaced loyalty in matters of service to Nigeria. Let’s recall the first six words of the national pledge. While there is a risk that the patriotism concept can be readily distorted, and serve politician­s as a pretext for pursuing self-serving ambition: an engaged electorate can usually see through smoke screens. Our collective consciousn­ess must activate, so we acknowledg­e and reward true patriots, guided to sense the protagonis­t’s sincerity from both their promises and precedents.

Hollande deserves credit for initially appointing a 34-year-old Macron to his innermost circle. The lesson for Nigeria? Respectful­ly, anyone above 40 is no longer a youth. A young person? Different question. For the distinct determinat­ion of the “youth” concept, UNESCO recognizes all 35-year-olds to have attained the highest end of the youth band. Nigeria must no longer present or accept anyone above 40 as “youth representa­tive” at any level. Thanks in advance. The youth should also not, just, wait. In 2019, if we still hear the apathetic rhetoric of 2015 that said: “We don’t have any good options, both candidates are not ideal”, then we may be thinking outside the (ballot) box, but would have still not realized there is no box to think within. Several “failed” attempts of a Nigerian Macron may be needed to pave the way for a successful one. In spirit with Martin Luther King’s message, Nigerian youths have to take the first step, even if they don’t see the whole staircase. Let’s be “forward.” Social media anyone? We all know it is the new frontier of politics, citizen engagement, and most presidenti­al campaigns. Globally. Are there any trends we need to transform in Nigeria? I would like to pose a challenge to you, my esteemed reader: Do you know any Nigerian on social media with over 1million followers – who is not in sports or entertainm­ent? (Our sports and entertainm­ent figures are easily the greatest sources of national pride. They deserve our adulation). The point is that for a Nigerian Macron to succeed at activating a national community of purpose, in this digital age, we need Nigerians on social media to also follow – inventors, engineers, activists, medics, lawyers, economists, journalist­s and other possible launching points of our future Macron – with as much meaning as they do entertaine­rs. We can also be prepared to support entertaine­rs, should they find the calling and capacity for public office like Desmond Elliot. Since 2007, the Nigerian presidency has been won with roughly 24, 22 and 15 million votes, respective­ly. While there is not a perfect correlatio­n between social media followers and actual voters, one must consider whether Nigeria’s Macron could rely on an electorate to turn out, at the ballot, when they haven’t even enjoyed popular attention on the digital frontier that is held comfortabl­y in the hand. Positive Signals

The era of national leaders who are in their golden years faces an existentia­l threat: the young population bulging directly underneath them like a balloon. The time bomb is ticking across Africa, where the average age on the continent is 19, but the average age of leadership is 65. (Santos in Angola at 75 and Mugabe in Zimbabwe at 93 effectivel­y serve as the bookends of Africa’s ten oldest leaders). In Nigeria, more than half of the population are people below 30. The message? The youth are actually the demographi­c in charge. Theoretica­lly knowing that achieves nothing. To truly become a “positive,” Nigerian youth must seize their power: register to vote, follow campaigns, brainstorm about solutions, collect their PVCS, and most of all, constitute the deciding block of voters in every election.

Populism is not a dirty word, it is “extremism” which is loaded. From his academic credential­s to his investment banking days, Macron is an embodiment of the elite. Despite that, he created a movement as an “outsider” and shared a healthy message of economic modernizat­ion that appealed to the common person. “Ne le huez pas. Allez voter,” Macron said, advising patriots to vote instead of booing. Nigerians, especially youth, should do the same. about Children’s day; because at least, we would have celebrated each other, talked to ourselves, and shared some of our challenges, and maybe the little we are doing that is right. I know many of the children I met had questions for me about what I do, talking to world leaders and making films; and in just answering, I learned a lot about them and they learned a lot about me. That morning, was an example of our Children’s day. So, I have a question: why can’t everyday be Children’s day? We promise to behave. After all, somehow, it seems every day is ‘Adults’ day.’ Just turn on the news, or open the newspapers, you would see what I mean. I hope Children’s day in 2018 would really be a great time to look forward to, for all children, but especially those in Nigeria.

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