The Guardian (Nigeria)

Dominion Mandate (2)

- By chidi Okoroafor Text: Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 9:13

Key Verse: Genesis 1:26 “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth,” (KJV).

THedominio­n mandate is the command of God to Adam, and thus to all mankind, to take dominion over all the earth. After Noah’s flood, the dominion mandate was again given by God. Genesis 9:1, “And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.’

Dominion is dominating natural raw materials, using them in such a way to serve your purpose. God gave man the ability to go back to nature and pull out of nature what he wants and make it serve his purpose. God blessed man to solve human problems. Did God know that man needed cloth, shoes, buildings, furnitures, car/train/airplane to travel, etc.? Yes, but why didn’t He do that for man? If He does that, then God is having dominion, instead of man. He had delegated His Power of Dominion to man.

How Do I Exercise Dominion? Psalm 8:3-8: “4 what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visit est him ?5 for thou ha st made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crown ed him with glory and honour .6 thou made st him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou ha st put all things under his feet :”

Find out the wild and untamed nature in your area of calling and be in control of it. God Has provided the Tree, whatever man chooses to do with it, is his business.

When people say there is no money in town, they may not be stating the truth. The truth is that there is money, but they have not been able to exercise dominion, by taming an untamed nature and thereby causing money to be in circulatio­n.

A good example here is Lee Kuan Yew, popularly known as the “Asian Tiger.” During his reign as the Prime Minister of Singapore (1959-1990), he transforme­d Singapore, one of Asia’s smallest nations from a third world country to a developed economy. The history of Republic of Singapore began, when it became an independen­t republic, following an ejection from Malaysia on August 9, 1965. Lee was then faced with the challenge of moving Singapore forward as a nation at a time they were not ready to govern themselves. At that time, Singapore was an island without any natural resources to call its own. But Lee pulled off a dramatic transforma­tion. He turned Singapore into a global financial hub and the country emerged as one of the world’s most powerful financial centres. The tiny nation, whose main industry was manufactur­ing at independen­ce, saw its GDP per capita skyrocket under Lee to one of the highest in the world in 2013, behind just oil-rich Qatar and private banking centre Luxembourg, according to the IMF.

Sound financial and economic policy, coupled with a corruption-free environmen­t and technologi­cal advancemen­t meant many multinatio­nal firms chose Singapore as a regional hub. Lee championed free trade, which helped Singapore attract free flow of foreign investment and multinatio­nal giants, such as General Electric.

Lee knew that for Singapore to compete with global giants, he needed to provide Singaporea­ns with housing and employment opportunit­ies that would bring the nation’s economic stability. For this purpose, he establishe­d the Housing Developmen­t Board and Economic Developmen­t Board. The housing board transforme­d this space-constraine­d island into a world-class metropolis that helped its citizens to move out of small ghettos into carefully planned, mixed townships and provided superior living conditions.

Lee simply exercised the dominion mandate by being fruitful and engineered Singapore’s economic miracle. Dominion means contending with something wild and untamed and bringing it under control. For example, someone took clay as a wild and untamed thing and used it to produce mugs. Sand was used to produce glasses.

The question is: Since you became Born Again, what are the untamed and wild things you have tamed and brought under control? Are demons obeying your voice? Today’s Nugget: Dominion is bringing the wild and untamed nature under control.

Prayer: Lord, help me to exercise dominion in my area of calling Prayer line: Send text only to 0907815426­1.

Dr. chidi okoroafor, general superinten­dent, assemblies of god nigeria

E-mail: evangelgos­

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