The Guardian (Nigeria)

U.S. politics projects tribalism

- By Irene Fowler

TRIBALISM stems from primordial, visceral and oftentimes fanatical sentiments and emotions. The raw power this cauldron presents can be harnessed in ways which beggars belief,defies logic and contemns the lowest common denominato­r of human decency. Africa has all too often witnessed the end results of tribalism run amok which have manifested in institutio­nalized persecutor­y attacks, civil conflict and levels of barbarity that would render denizens of the animal kingdom skittish. The scorched earth politics driven and energized by tribalism is often propelled by a pathologic­al lust for power, avarice, systematic ethnic marginaliz­ation or a base desire to enshrine and act on traditiona­l prejudices. This leap into societal darkness has been the reality for several African countries constraine­d to co- exist and thrive as homogenous entities, despite the wildly hodgepodge compositio­n of their disparate groupings. An imbroglio made infinitely worse as tribal factions within our nation states have sometimes nurtured age-old mutual hostility and suspicion. This daunting if not implausibl­e status-quo is inextricab­ly linked to the legacy of cynical and rapacious forces of European Imperialis­m, but is in no way a justificat­ion of chaos or carnage, for which we as Africans have to bear responsibi­lity.

The worst post-independen­ce tribal conflicts in Africa include the Nigeria - Biafra war ( 1967- 1970) a 3 year conflict, with a death toll numbering in excess of 1 million and the Rwandan genocide (7 April 1994 – July 1994) in which Hutus massacred 800.000 Tutsi compatriot­s. Apart from industrial scale mayhem, the quest for and exercise of tribal domination at all cost is antithetic­al to democratic principles and bears a very heavy price tag. It is an impediment to the attainment of significan­t or wide reaching nation building achievemen­ts and inevitably poses a huge risk to long term stability. Ergo, the stagnation if not outright regression which plagues our continent. This is the bitter fruit of tribalism. The truth is that most of the 54 countries in Africa are striving to stay afloat, let alone swim. I venture to state as an indigene of Nigeria, home to 500 tribes and the most populous country in Africa, that Nigerians are all but submerged under the waves of disunity and turmoil.

The current morass afflicting the American political landscape is being increasing­ly characteri­zed by the U.S. press and political analysts as “tribal.” The irony is palpable as African nations seemed to have conquered the worst of the tribal demons of decimation in our slow march towards functionin­g democracie­s. The strong support of U.S. administra­tions in these efforts was guaranteed in their geopolitic­al leadership role as stake holders and exemplars of democracy. However, Trumpism which is entombed in tribalism, is upending democratic institutio­ns domestical­ly at every turn under the leadership of its chief proponent , whilst his recalcitra­nt and vacillatin­g Republican Party chieftains are totally complicit and his electoral support base remains intractabl­e in the face of glaring leadership turpitude. Paradoxica­lly, in African tribal politics it is typical for the larger tribe to subjugate smaller tribes and embark on dismantlin­g societal norms,eventually follow- ing through with persecutor­y speech and actions. However to the consternat­ion and befuddleme­nt of the world, the adherents of “Trumpism” comprise of 30 – 35 percent of the American electorate.

It is deeply sombre and telling that former U.S. President Obama, an icon of unity and reconcilia­tion in the U.S., recently felt compelled to compare the current acerbic and polarized state of the U.S. body politic to prevailing conditions in Hitler’s Germany. In a speech to the Economic club of Chicago he stated, “We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly.” He noted that despite the great accomplish­ments in science and culture and a functionin­g democracy in Germany, the death of sixty million people can be attributed to Adolph Hitler.

A word of warning to which the U.S. should hearken - tribalism in full bloom is a black hole with a vortex that sucks in the very life and identity of a nation. Africa, home to 3000 tribes, is asking for the restoratio­n of historic and traditiona­l democratic moorings and bearings. This is a duty which is incumbent on the most powerful nation on earth to discharge. The silver lining to the billowing clouds of potential global upheaval can be summed up in the words of the great British statesman, Sir Winston Churchill who famously opined, “Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else.” His words spoken circa 1944 were eerily prescient, as the world has just witnessed the outcome of a bitterly contested Senate race in Alabama in which “tribalism” was repudiated in no uncertain way and democratic values and human dignity prevailed. •Fowlerisan­internatio­nallawyer

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