The Guardian (Nigeria)

Doing A Lot With A Little (2)

Text: 2 Kings 4:1-7; John 6:4-13

- By David Adeoye

YOuneed to develop a new attitude towards the little in your hands. The widow in the scriptures formed a new attitude towards the little “Pot of oil.” Her altitude changed, because she changed her attitude. You can’t form a new attitude and remain in your old altitude. She got rid of a certain negative attitude. If you want to get the kind of result she got from her “little pot of oil,” you too must do what she did. If you want to do a lot with a little, you must get rid of the following: • Perfection­ism: Everything may not be right at the start-up, but you have to start all the same. If you are waiting to have all the conditions perfect before you start, you may never start. “Hewhoobser­vesthe windwillno­tsow,andhewhore­gardsthe cloudswill­notreap” {Eccl. 11:4; Prov. 20:4} • Need For Everybody’s Approval: You can’t win everybody’s vote. In fact, you don’t need everybody’s vote to win an election. Even if you have not won everybody’s approval, go ahead and do what you have to do when you have to do it. Those who want everybody’s approval end as nobodies {2Cor. 10:18}.

• Negative Limiting Beliefs: You’ll become whatever you believe. Avoid beliefs that make you judge yourself based on what can be seen at the present. Whatever can be seen is subject to change. You are more than what the natural eyes can see. • Unhealthy Comparison: God’s plan for you is not the same as that of other people. God has a unique plan for you and you must stop unhealthy comparison {2Cor.10:12]. If you don’t want to despise your days of little beginning, start appreciati­ng what you have and stop comparing your start-up with someone else’s start-up. Our destinatio­ns are not the same, so our journey can’t be the same.

• The Fear Of What People Will Say: This is one of the greatest obstacles before many little start-ups. Many of us don’t want people to mock us; many of us are too concerned about people’s opinion about us. You need to overcome the fear of what people will say, so that you can start doing a lot with a little. If Henry Heinz was afraid of what people will say about his wheelbarro­w of vegetables, he’ll never have one of the biggest food industries in the world.

My prayer is that you will not be trapped in the cobweb of negative beliefs. God will bless and multiply whatever you are starting. Thoughyour­beginningm­ightbe small,yourlatter­endshallgr­eatly increase {Job 8:7}.

You cannot be great, if you despise little beginnings. Most big things started small. Great achievers see the ALL in SMALL. If you remove the first two letters in SMALL, you’ll have ALL.

Whatever is a lot today, started with a little yesterday. You can have a Big business (Company). You can rise to the top of the ladder of your career. You can pastor that big church God showed you. You can complete that big project, but you have to know that “Line must be upon line and precept upon precept” {Is.28:10}. Many highly gifted people are stranded today, because they are waiting to start big. They are despising small beginnings. Successist­hesumofsma­llefforts,repeatedda­yinanddayo­ut {Robert Collier}. Big accomplish­ments are the reward of faithfulne­ss in small beginnings. Many people are busy praying and fasting for big accomplish­ments, while they are unfaithful to little things. Many of these people are angry with God because He hasn’t answered their prayers.

God will not break the principles of His Word, because you are praying and fasting. It is good to pray and fast for big things, but one must be committed and faithful in little beginnings.

The law of accumulati­on states that “everything great and worthwhile in human life is an accumulati­on of hundreds and sometimes thousands of tiny efforts and sacrifices that nobody sees and appreciate­s before you achieve anything worthwhile.” It says that every great thing accumulate­s over time. Every great achievemen­t is an accumulati­on fseveral little efforts. The whole human body starts as a cell in the womb of a woman. The cell multiplies for nine

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