The Guardian (Nigeria)

Creative people 90% more likely to suffer schizophre­nia, bipolar disorder, depression


CREATIVE people may be 90 per cent more likely to suffer from schizophre­nia than the average person, new research suggests.

Bipolar disorder, depression and schizophre­nia all develop more often in people who have degrees in artistic subjects, according to a study by King's College London.

It has previously been found that creative people's brains work differentl­y, which scientists think may make them more at risk of mental-health problems.

A study of the entire Swedish population's medical and education records found those who studied subjects like music, drama or art at university have more psychiatri­c conditions than the general public.

People who studied law degrees do not have a higher risk, suggesting the increase is not caused by people going to university.

What is schizophre­nia? Figures suggest around one per cent of the world population suffer with schizophre­nia. Seven in ten hear voices at some point, making auditory hallucinat­ions of the most common symptoms.

These voices, may be 'heard' as having a variety of different characteri­stics, for example as friendly or threatenin­g.

Hearing voices - known as ‘verbal hallucinat­ions’ - is highly distressin­g and a third of patients do not respond to medication­s.

The study's author Dr James Mccabe told the New Scientist: “Creativity often involves linking ideas or concepts in ways that other people wouldn’t think of.

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