The Guardian (Nigeria)

Sultan, Omobude, Others Mourn CAN’S Gen. Sec, Asake

- By Chris Irekamba

EMINENT Nigerians, yesterday, continued to commiserat­e with the Christian Associatio­n of Nigeria (CAN) over the death of its General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Musa Asake. They include PresidentG­eneral of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) and Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar; the President, Pentecosta­l Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude; Chairman, Lagos PFN, Bishop Sola Ore; and Director, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), Prof Ishaq Akintola.

“Death is a phenomenon, which can neither be averted nor altered when it is time for it to act, especially in human life. As the General Secretary of CAN, Dr. Asake was an active member of the Nigerian Interrelig­ious Council (NIREC), whose role was prominent in the operations of that Council. His death will no doubt create a vacuum in the interrelig­ious community, which may be difficult to fill,” said the Sultan in a statement signed by the Secretary-general of NSCIA, Prof. Is-haq Oloyede.

Omobude said: “Dr. Asake was a gentleman, who passionate­ly loved God and served the body of Christ to the best of his ability. We felt the impact of his exit and our prayers and hearts go to the family.”

Ore said: “The news of his death is so shocking. To me, he was a wonderful and good man. Somebody who was committed to what

CAN stands for.

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