The Guardian (Nigeria)

Year 2020 Will Be Apocalypti­c — OLUSOJI

Oluomo Olusoji is a Muslim by birth. While growing up, he attended Christian schools. At some point, he deepened his knowledge of Christiani­ty and practised both religions. Today, however, his views have changed through his understand­ing of science. He no


What informed your decision to make 2020 an issue?

IHAVE been reflecting on world affairs. I have gone through books, novels and ancient records. And through these, I came across Year 2020, as the fifth year of Aztec and Maya civilisati­ons. We have records that they recorded human age in cycles and their fifth cycle will come to an end in 2020 during our era. However, we don’t know the actual date in 2020, or the catastroph­es that will befall earth. It may be in the form of what happened during Noah’s time. It may be in the form of water, fire, volcanic eruption, earthquake or rainstorm. So, we need to be prepared for Year 2020. Personally, I think the probabilit­y of its occurrence is as high as 99.99 per cent, because earlier cycles came to an end, as projected. We’ve all heard about the flood that brought an end to Noah’s generation. Those that survived that disaster started this cycle, which is expected to come to an end in 2020.

My desire is to alert government­s at all levels to become aware of this and make plans. We shouldn’t be caught unawares.

In the United States, they were aware that the earth was turning on its axis and they alerted the government, that it would happen around 2000. They prepared for it, because Americans take issues more serious than us. This is 2018, and the earth has not turned on its axis, but here we are talking about the year 2020. It may happen, it may not happen. But we don’t want to be caught unawares. So, what should government do?

When issues like this are raised, there are intellectu­als to tackle them. In the U.S., if they saw Unidentifi­ed Flying Object (UFO), they would call together people who have knowledge in that area and would deliberate on it. That is what I’m expecting Nigerian government to do. It should gather intellectu­als and those who have knowledge on the issue to assess it and proffer solutions.

Is there any correlatio­n between 2020 and biblical injunction that the world will soon come to an end?

What we learnt from Noah is that sinners perished, while those that believed survived. And through them, those of us existing evolved. So again, if it actually happens in 2020, people will still survive. But those that will perish may be as high as 99 per cent of human population. Life is a continuum, like people have said.

How can government prevent events of 2020?

Government can’t prevent the event from happening. However, what they can do is to put structures in place, so that even if it is wind, water, fire, or whatever, we can be saved. We cannot do anything to stop the event from happening, because we are not in control of them, just as man could not prevent the catastroph­e that hap- pened during Noah’s time. The same thing is likely to happen in 2020. Those that have achieved immortalit­y are the ones behind the events of 2020. They informed Noah of what to do.

 ??  ?? Post Apocalypti­c 2 By Bp Sola
Post Apocalypti­c 2 By Bp Sola

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