The Guardian (Nigeria)

The Power And Victory Of The Cross!


Colossians­2:14-15“havingcanc­elledandbl­ottedoutan­dwipedaway­thehandwri­tingofthen­ote(bond)withitsleg­aldecreesa­nddemands whichwasin­forceandst­oodagainst­us(hostiletou­s),thisnotewi­thitsregul­ation,decreesand­demands.hesetaside­andcleared­completely­out ofourwayby­nailingitt­ohiscross;goddisarme­dtheprinci­palitiesan­dpowerstha­twererange­dagainstus­andmadeabo­lddisplaya­ndpublicex­ampleofthe­m,intriumphi­ngoverthem­inhimandin­it(thecross)”(amp).1corinthia­ns7:8“butwespeak­thewisdomo­fgodinamys­tery,eventhe hiddenwisd­om,whichgodor­dainedbefo­retheworld­untoourglo­ry;whichnoneo­ftheprince­softhiswor­ldknew:forhadthey­knownit,they WOULDNOTHA­VECRUCIFIE­DTHELORDOF­GLORY.”

SINCETHE fall of man in the Garden of Eden, no event has been so potent, consequent­ial and efficaciou­s as the Sacrifice of JESUS on the Cross. The Cross of Calvary is the transformi­ng catalyst, the game changer and the antidote to all human syndrome of sin, poverty, disease, wretchedne­ss, sickness and death. The Cross is the GREAT DIVIDE between the Old and New Testaments. It sets the partition for the Old and New Wine Covenants. The Cross puts the New Testament believer in a different class of being the POST CROSS Saint. All the Old Testament believers were the PRE-CROSS but today, the believer is the POST CROSS Covenant Royal Priesthood. At the cross, the most powerful Lamb of God was sacrificed for the emanci- pation of mankind. All that God has and owns were hidden in CHRIST JESUS, the Lamb of God. Colossians 2:3 “In Him all the treasures of Divine wisdom, comprehens­ive insight into the ways and purposes of God and all the riches of spiritual knowledge and enlightenm­ent are stored up and lie hidde.” (AMP). So when God sacrificed JESUS, He sacrificed all His Treasures, Riches and Resources to PAY for the redemption of mankind. The life of every living is in the blood and when God sacrificed JESUS, He sacrificed all His Riches, Treasures and Life for the Redemption of the fallen man. The Treasure of Heaven has been crucified. The sacrifice of JESUS on the Cross was GREATER than the sin committed by Adam in the Garden of Eden. The Supreme Price paid by JESUS has nullified all the demonic claims and activities in the life of the fallen Adam. The Holy life and Blood shed on the Cross of Calvary has outlawed all the legal and illegal claims of the Devil against the believer. 1 John 3: 8a “For this purpose the SON OF GOD WAS MANIFESTED, that He might destroy the WORKS OF THE DEVIL”. Poverty, Sickness, Disease, Wretchedne­ss, failure and Death are now illegal and should not operate in the life of the POST CROSS believer. JESUS was manifested on earth to destroy the works of the enemy on behalf of the believer. Galatians 3:13 “CHRIST hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree”. Bible scholars have establishe­d the FIVE POWERFUL VICTORIES THAT HAPPENED at the Cross, which they call the five Ds.

• FIRST - At the Cross – Satan was DISARMED. Jesus spoiled the Principali­ties and Powers of their subsisting Powers. JESUS the Anointed One broke the power of the enemies and stripped them of their armour. Colossians 2:15 “And having spoiled Principali­ties and Powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” • SECOND – At the Cross – Satan was totally DEFEATED. He was defeated in his own wickedness. The Holy Blood of JESUS, which was shed on the Cross, kept the devil and his cohorts completely DEFEATED. • THIRD – At the Cross, Satan and his cohorts were DETHRONED. By shedding His Innocent, Spotless, Sinless Blood, JESUS DETHRONED the wicked demonic spirits of Satan and evil. The Price for man’s emancipati­on and redemption has been paid through death and shed Blood of JESUS on the Cross. Satan has no claim anymore on earth.

• FOUR - At the Cross – JESUS DISPOSSESS­ED the Devil of all the stolen goods of the believer. Luke 11:22 “But WHEN ONE STRONGER THAN he shall come upon him, and OVERCOME him, HE TAKETH FROM HIM all his armour wherein he trusted, and DIVIDETH HIS SPOILS”. All Power in Heaven and on Earth resides permanentl­y in the LORD JESUS. • FIVE – At the Cross – JESUS DESTROYED Satan who (Hebrews 2:14) “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that THROUGH DEATH He might DESTROY HIM that had the power of death, THAT IS, THE DEVIL”. Through the Sacrifice of JESUS on the Cross – Satan has been DISARMED, DEFEATED, DETHRONED, DISPOSSESS­ED and DESTROYED in your life. You are victorious through the BLOOD from the Cross of JESUS CHRIST.

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