The Guardian (Nigeria)

The Names Of Jesus In The Book Of Revelation (19)


and Eve were created without sin (cf Gen 1:31) but with the capability of sinning. God, on the other hand, cannot sin (Num 23:19; 2 Tim 2:13; Tit 1:2; Heb 6:18). His holiness also includes His dedication to carrying out His purposes and plan. Holiness is an eternal attribute of God; His holiness will never change.

Jesusisper­fectandhol­y. In John 14:26, the Counselor (v16) is identified as the “Holy Spirit.” For the NT Christian the most important thing about the Holy Spirit is not His power (Acts 1:8), but that He is “Holy.” His holy character along with the manifestat­ion of that holy character in the lives of believers, is what matters most (cf Rom 1:4; Gal 5:22-26). Jesus is holy, sinless and pure. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus Christ and is imparted to us when He breathes into us (Jn 20:22). HOLY: An overview

Biblical use of the term “holy” has to do primarily with God’s separating from the world that which He chooses to devote to Himself. As God’s redemptive plan unfolded through the OT, the “holy” became associated with the character of God’s separated people conforming to His revealed law. When the time became ripe for the saving work of Jesus Christ, His redeemed people came to be known as saints (literally, “holy ones”). The cross made this possible by inaugurati­ng the fulfillmen­t of the preparator­y OT teachings on the holy, opening the way for God’s Holy Spirit to indwell His people.

God’s Unique Holiness as Separation. God alone is “majestic in holiness” (Exod. 15:11; cp. 1 Sam 2:2; Rev 15:4). The uniqueness of His holiness is stressed in the repetition of the seraphic cry: “Holy, holy, holy” (Isa 6:3; cp. Rev 4:8). Indeed, the frequent title of choice for God in Isaiah is “the Holy One of Israel” (e.g., 12:6; 17:7). But God’s perfect holiness—the complete perfection of His attributes such as power and goodness—is a humbling and even terrifying thing when revealed to weak and sinful men (e.g., Isa. 6:5; Luke 5:8; Rev. 1: 17).

Those things that God

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