The Guardian (Nigeria)

Who Will Save Us From The Herdsmen?

- By Gabriel Osu

EACH day we hear reports of man’s inhumanity to man through sheer acts of wickedness. The most recent and very gruesome occurrence, is the callous manner in which some suspected Fulani herdsmen murdered two Catholic Priests and 17 others who had come to worship their God early in the morning. They raided a Church, a sacred place of worship and killed the worshipper­s. On the internet, there is a trending video of herdsmen dressed in choir robe dancing and celebratin­g after one of such murderous attacks. Re- ports have it that over a thousand Nigerians have been murdered this year alone. Yet, we have leaders who seem helpless in bringing the situation under control. They keep on moving in circles while poor Nigerians are being hacked to death on daily basis. And when you cry out in protest they label you unpatrioti­c. This is unacceptab­le!

These days, we are used to hearing of, reading and seeing human corpses lying about, some in decomposin­g states. On the internet, ghastly pictures of severed human heads and butchered women and children are being circulated across the world. Gory pictures that were hitherto considered abominable are now becoming our daily visual delights, no thanks to the Fulani herdsmen and members of the Boko Haram sect. And what are we all doing about it? Rather than bring the perpetrato­rs to book, we keep on politicisi­ng the absurd and spinning ethnic sentiments that would do no one any good. These diabolical acts of deliberate annihilati­on of fellow humans have now become the order of the day. And it appears the government does not have the wherewitha­l to end these menace that is fast becoming a genocide of sort.

Life is one of the most precious gifts that God has endowed us with. It is the physical functions of people, animal, and plants. In physical terms, life is the time between birth and death. Through this invaluable gift, which enables us to discover and explore the immeasurab­le creative ability lying within every one of us, we are also able to appreciate the ingenuity of God who has made all things bright and beautiful for our use. It is the responsibi­lity of every of God’s creature, therefore, to cherish and preserve every life jealously. All those who, through acts of commission or omission cause innocent lives to be wasted, will surely be called to question by God Almighty at the last day. They may, in this physical plain, escape human judgment, not so of the divine.

But for now, how long are we going to fold our arms and watch human lives terminated at will. How long are we going to watch dumbfounde­d as our neighbours are slaughtere­d on daily basis like animals? These must stop! I want to implore the president and the security operatives to do everything possible to put an end to these callous acts of terror and unnecessar­y bloodshed. Enough is enough! •Veryrev.msgr.osu,director,socialcomm­unications,catholic Archdioces­eoflagos.

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