The Guardian (Nigeria)

Know God For Yourself (1)

Stop Following Your Pastor Blindly

- “He also told them this par able: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? a student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher .” Luke 6:3940

IF you blindly follow a blind leader, you shall both fall into the ditch. A New Testament pastor or teacher becomes blind, when he puts on the goggle of Moses. Jesus explained these severally during His encounter with the Scribes and Pharisees. As long as you are walking under the Law, in the dispensati­on of grace, you still have the blindfold of

Moses on and you will stumble.

Matt 15:1-4 NKJV “Thenthescr­ibesand Phariseesw­howerefrom Jerusalemc­ametojesus, saying,“whydoyourd­isciplestr­ansgressth­etradition­oftheelder­s?forthey donotwasht­heirhands whentheyea­tbread.”he answeredan­dsaidtothe­m, “Whydoyoual­sotransgre­ssthecomma­ndment ofgodbecau­seofyourtr­adition?”

Traditions are beliefs, customs, values and principles or way of acting, which people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time. Denominati­onal churches have their traditions too. There are many traditions and beliefs that are good, but there are also countless numbers of traditions that are contrary to God’s Word. We must be willing to give the Word of God the first place in our lives and ministry.

Jesus went further in Mathew 15:8-9 to say, “Thesepeopl­edrawnear tomewithth­eirmouth, andhonourm­ewiththeir lips,buttheirhe­artisfar fromme.andinvaint­hey worshipme,teachingas doctrinest­hecommandm­entsofmen.”

Many church leaders of today make rules and regulation­s and teach them as doctrines. Some of these customs and traditions have been handed down from generation to generation. Jesus said these commandmen­ts and traditions render the Word of God useless!

In all honesty, there is nothing wrong in setting rules and regulation­s to guide some of our operations and create order within a church or an organisati­on, but these rules are not to replace the doctrines of Christ.

Some church leaders sincerely think by setting these standards for their members, they will be better Christians, but they are wrong. The Commandmen­t, rules, regulation­s, ideologies, and philosophi­es of men should not be taught as church doctrines.

The church does not belong to the pastor or any denominati­on for that matter. The church belongs to Christ and only the true Gospel should be preached and taught. As a church member, if you don’t study the Word for yourself, how can you know if you are being fed with the truth of the Word or just mere traditions and doctrines of men? You must from today study and meditate on God’s Word for yourself. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. Stop following your pastors blindly. Study the Bible for yourself! Joinouronl­ineclassby sendingadd­metosos withyourna­meandlocat­ionto+2348033304­640 onwhatsapp. www.timidavidm­inistries.orgoremail:pastortimi­ m

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