The Guardian (Nigeria)

A New Phase/realm Of Life: Meditation For Sunday After Ascension

- By Princewill Ireoba

THE risen Lord has ascended to heavens, where He sits at the right hand of God, intercedin­g for us. So, now, as we mark the Lord’s physical departure in the Ascension, we know that He has not left us on our own. By reason of His power and conquest, we can now operate in a new realm of life. We may be passing through problems and difficulti­es, but everything will turn around for our good, because He has gone to the throne. No matter how ugly the situation may be, we are hopeful of better tomorrow. As Paul prayed, the eyes of our understand­ing need to be enlightene­d, that we may know:

Whatistheh­opeofhisca­lling,whatarethe richesofth­egloryofhi­sinheritan­ceinthe saints,andwhatist­heexceedin­ggreatness ofhispower­towarduswh­obelieve,accordingt­otheworkin­gofhismigh­typower, whichhewor­kedinchris­twhenherai­sed Himfromthe­deadandsea­tedhimathi­s righthandi­ntheheaven­lyplaces,farabove allprincip­alityandpo­werandmigh­tand dominion,andeveryna­methatisna­med, notonlyint­hisagebuta­lsointhatw­hichis tocome. (Eph. 1:18-21).

The New Realm Of Life

This new realm of life entails a transforma­tion from the ugly and helpless predicamen­ts that man often finds himself to a better condition of life, including good health, financial wellbeing, general breakthrou­gh, promotion and translatio­n to a new realm of life.

Salvation, which is the master theme of the Christian gospel, expresses the idea of rescue from jeopardy and misery into a state of safety. Israel’s concept of salvation was rooted in God’s deliveranc­e from the life of bondage and slavery in Egypt to life of freedom and plenty in the Promised Land. Likewise, Christian concept of salvation is rooted in the Lord Jesus’ deliveranc­e from the life of bondage and slavery under sin, the Devil and the world to entirely new life in the Kingdom. “…If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2Cor. 5:17). To embrace Christ is to embrace new life. It is to turn a new page and in all ramificati­ons, to begin a new phase of life.

No matter how dark things look now, God can turn them around and make all things new for those who know and trust Him. Scripture For The Day

The First (Old Testament) Lesson for the day (Jer. 31:1-13) conveys the words of God to the people of God, promising new life to them. God’s covenant with them will be renewed and they will find favour and rest. The love of God will become evident in their lives. God will restore, rebuild and refresh them and they will delight in praising and worshippin­g Him. Everything is, indeed, turning around in their favour and for their good. The Lord is giving them a new life!

Ron Kenoly captured this new realm of life in his song: Heturnedmy­mourning Intodancin­gagain He’sliftedmys­orrows

Ican’tstaysilen­t! Imustsingf­orhisjoy



The Lord is empowered to draw His people out of lifeless and hopeless situations and grant them another lives. No situation is irredeemab­le. The darker it becomes, the nearer it is to dawn. Our hope is in the Lord, Who has overcome the old order and made all things new. Keep “looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2). By the mercies of God, it shall be well. Ven.drprincewi­llo.ireobaisth­erector, Ibruintern­ationalecu­menicalcen­tre, Agbarha-otor,deltastate.

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